Bruno Mars Pictures

Bruno Mars Concert
This Wednesday we went to the Bruno Mars concert at TD Garden. It feels like years ago I bought the tickets and now the day was finally here. I am not overexcited about Bruno, but it's really fun to see big artists and I like some of his songs. Our seats were almost behind the stage, they were really cheap, but it turned out to be pretty good after all. Se sat close to the stage, closer than many others, and we had a good view.
We went to Panera Bread for dinner before that. Julia was supposed to come later but when I sat on the train I saw her outside when I came to her station. (Madde and Terese were already there). Julia didn't see me and took a seat across from me. I thought I was funny and didn't say anything at all. After awhile I almost started laughing, cause it felt so wierd sitting almost next to each other without her noticing. So I wrote her a text and said "I can see you", and then she started to look around. It was soooo funny, I couldn't stop laughing and the other people in the train were just staring at me. And then Julia came and sat next to me, laughing and being fake-mad. Funny thing!
I had a salad at Panera and we went in to TD Garden at 8.30 something. The first band had just finished, so we came in perfect time. It was fun. The entire concert was fun! It was good songs (I don't like when they make the songs different from the radio-version which they did too much, but it was fine) and I love the bass. I had my earplugs and was very happy about it. I always forget them when I need them. But now i didn't.
Pictures will come. I am going to pick Arno up from a friend now, but I'll post them as soon as I get home. I haven't made food for the kids in a very long time. Lori is always home, it's good! Cya!
Picnic & glasses

Terese and I had a picnic and just hung out in a park close to her house. We bought ice cream at Walgreens and I found a pair of 4th of July-glasses I also bought, don't they look hilarious?

Beaver's Camp

The kids now have camp. Mirea will be gone for 4 weeks and Arno has 2 weeks at Beaver's now.
This is what it looks like when I pick him up. Lots of cars in long lines, just waiting to pick up their kids. You don't have to get out of your car and you have a paper in the front window that tells the camp-leaders what kid you're picking up and what group it's in. The lines are ridiculously long and slow, not very good for the environment, but what did we expect in America??
I like my new schedule, it's more relaxed and you don't have to stress like we do when we're going to school. Drop-off is between 8.30-8.50 and pick-up between 3.55-4.10. (which gives me an extra hour free time!).
It feels so cool to drive in here and pick him up, I feel like an american mom. haha!
They have different activities at camp - like art and sports and stuff. And I know they have swimming lessons every day. Arno hates it. Speaking of- yesterday we discussed what he should do with his wet towel when he got home, I told him to hang it somewhere so it would dry, but when I got home late yesterday night it was still there which was very annoying. So I just hanged it up in the "hallway" or whatever it's called. We have like a wooden balcony or what you call it. I figured someone would say something about it, but heotherwise tha towel would start to smell. However, the next day Arno said that Charlie had told him to tell me that I couldn't hang it there. I was welcome to hang it on tha chairs or anywhere else, but not there. I was sooooo angry about that. I hanged up the freaking towel because Arno didn't listen and then they blame me....ah!
And also, another thing. I texted and asked Lori if I could borrow their loudspeakers that I know they never use. She didn't answer me, but later that night Charlie went down to my room to install the aircondition (my room was so messy by the way, but I really didn't expect him!) and I know that he saw the loudspeakers in my room (cause I already had them there, I've used them a few times before) and after that she answered - it was so obvious that they had talked about it after he went to my room. And ofcourse she said no for some reason, I didn't really listen, but I remember thinking that I never should have asked! You should never be honest!!!
That was what was bad this week. The good things are: Bruno Mars with the girls tonight!! I am kind of excited, even though our seats aren't very good. We are practicly behind the stage, but whatever!! The next good thing is that the family will leave on wednesday to go to andover next week. Beacuse of forth of July. We were talking about going to Martha's vineyard so I asked Lori when they were leaving. It feels great to be off 3 more days and have a long weekend. Lori said she could pick Arno up from camp if I only dropped him off in the morning. So today we booked Martha's. We will celebrate 4th of July in Boston, but we'll leave after that. That will be so much fun!! Terese has 1,5 week off, so I hope we can hang out and do some fun stuff next week!
Chillday at Julia's

Alina and Sarah

This Monday I met two german girls I've met before. Alina and Sarah. Alina and I went to Panera Bread for lunch. I had chicken salad with fruit, actually really good! We just chatted and had a good time. She is very easy going and fun to hang out with.

After hanging out at my place for awhile we went to Starbucks in Wellesley (where Sarah lives) for a drink.

Really cute girls! Alina is moving to LA with her hostfamily this friday, it was good to meet her before that. Maybe I'll see her in LA, we have 3 days with nothing planned, so who knows :)
Charles River
We walked along Charles River the day after midsummer. It was really hot and sunny. We were sooo sweaty!

This is where the concerts on 4th of July will be held.

Boston Harbor.

As an award we had lunch at Legal Sea Foods.

Midsummer at my house

Flowers for our wreaths! In the toilet ;)



Lunch in the yard with chicken and potatoes/potatoesalad.

Brunch at Cabot's

I can see the end of my year comming, and now I try to see all the details I usually don't see so I can remember it. I will take more pictures from now on (at least I hope so).

Friday night. Julia, Ottilia were in New York. Madde too.
Terese and I went to Uno's for dinner.

I'm really into photographing these days and we went to Hynes Convention center to take pictures of the padlocks they have there.

Fenway park, view from Kenmore.

Prudential Tower.

A house

This would be one of my american dreamhouses!
It's old and looks like these typical american houses in movies.
A day with my camera

Last day of school

I helped Mirea to organize and throw away her school stuff.
Sewing kit

I found a sewing kit at Michael's that I just had to buy. Isn't it cute?!
Midsummer celebration

I know I wouldn't appreciate it if I was in Sweden, but now it all seems so far away and it looked so much fun. I got a skype-call from my dad, which made me so glad. I could see everything and it felt like I was home again. Everything was exactly as it used to be. It sucks that I'll miss the swedish summer, but I try not to think of that.
This weekend we are going to celebrate our own midsummer with food and cake and stuff. I hope that'll be fun. As the matter of fact, I don't know what I would do if I was in Sweden right now, I wouldn't have anybody to celebrate with anyway. So we are goning to, hoepfully, eat outside and then we'll see what happens. Maybe listen to some swedish music and make our midsummer wreaths. Anyway, happy midsummer to everybody!
Johnny's diner

Nice rainbow!

Terese and I had a cozi night together, we had dinner at Johnny's and then a movienight with sex and the city at my place. We bought watermelon, strawberries and brownies.
What a day....
Here comes 5 minutes of my depressive story.
Now I'm sitting on the floor in my room, after a both good/rough day. First of all, Arno had his moose-presentation at school that I promised him i would go to. But this morning he told me that both his parents were going, so then I figured that would be enough, so I decided to stay home. Arno had said earlier this week that it was the first thing in the morning, so I figured L and C would take him to school. They didn't say anything about it, or well, Charlie asked Arno what time we usually leave, so I figured they would take him. Usually Arno and I walk at 8 in the morning.
I went down to my room, and at 8.15 Arno came down to me and said that his mom had come home from her walk and wondered why we were still home.. Not mad or anything, and we still had time to go to school, but it was just wierd.. So Arno and I walked to school and when I got home the alarm was on and nobody was home. I don't really get it. But whatever, that wasn't a big deal.
When I had my free time during the day I made quinoasalad and put the kids sheets in the washing machine (not sure what Lori would think of that since she doesn't want to heat up the house with the dryer hot days, but I didn't consider it hot today and I don't think the dryer makes the house hot anyway). I skyped with Sofie (it was her birthday!!) which was fun, as always! I love our long talks!
I had lunch and took Vespa out for a walk. When I got home I started to watch "Maria Larssons eviga ögonblick" which wasn't either bad or good (I haven't finished it yet). I called the bus company and cancelled the tickets to NY since I have to work that weekend. I completely forgot to put the kids sheets back when they were ready, but I did that later with Arno so that was no problem. Arno and I had a pretty good time together when he got off school. We played american football and just fooled around. Lori had just bought a new gas-grill and asked if I wanted burgers with them tonight. Sure. I would rather eat my salad in the car while waiting for Arno's gymnastic, but ok. I never have dinner with them, so I think I "owe" them that. While Arno had gymnastics I went to Michael's to buy some wire for our midsummer wreaths. I also bought some sewing kits and an american flag. I had a pretty good day so far.
But when we got home I got really tired and just sick of everything. Arno asked why the table was set for five, which I can udnerstand since I don't eat with them very often, but it still makes me feel like an outsider. When I got up from the basement I overheard Mirea and Lori when they talked about a soda Charlie usually wants. It is on the grocery list but the stores never have the two flavors they have written, so this time I bought another flavor. I heard Lori say "Yeah, Charlie wasn't very excited about that" and Mirea answer "But I would like it"... When you are tired already, that is not what you want to hear.
When I went into the kitchen Mirea said that she had given everybody a napkin; daddy, Arno, mommy and Isabel. Yeah. she said the last aupair. that have happend before, especiallt with Charlie, and I don't really care since I know how many aupairs they've had, but this time it felt humiliating. Everything happend within 5 minutes and it just felt like too much at the moment. As usual, the dinners are really strict and boring. I just sit there and wonder why I agreed to this and the family talk about whatever. This time I really thought that this is both the first and the last time I will live together in another family. It's just annoying to do everything their way and talk this small talk. They don't even know me! Sorry, for all this complaining - but I don't want to disturb Julia on her vacation ;) I have less than 2 months of work, that's what's keeping me up right now. I'm so sick and tired of this!! I know my family is great and I have the best life ever, but you still get tired of it.
Well, I guess I should go to bed and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day :) See ya!

This is what I bought in Natick, perfect for our Cali/Hawaii trip!
Boston and North End

Boston Tea Party Museum

Arthur on the roof of the children's museum.

Bruins sweather because of the hockey game.

We walked to North End for dinner.


Started the day at IKEA. Julia has her friend Ottilia over for a week.

Julia bought some chocolate for her kids!!

A lot of it!

We bought some meat and potatoes for a grill-night.

like "new potatoes"!!



This was one of the best nights here in the states. We had so much fun and the food was completely delicious!!!
Fun time!


Panera Bread

We went to Panera Bread one day!
Sofie's graduation
It's her graduation today, it doesn't feel like one year ago since it was me.
She was so happy, and I saw it. Skype is pretty blurry and the sound is not perfect, but I could see her and hear some of it and that's all that matters.

Sofie, thank you for being one of my best friends. I know you always listen and that you always care. Today is your day and you deserve the best. Nothing but the best!!
The Last Song
I just finished the book The last song by Nicholas Sparks.
This week has been pretty hard so far, but I've been trying to focus. The book for sure didn't make anything better. Or maybe it did. It made me feel so sad, but maybe that's exactly what I needed. You have to be sad to be happy again. Right now it's dark outside, warm but dark, and I can hear a bird sing outside my window. I've been sitting in the car for 1,5 hours reading while I waited for Arno's gymnastic to end. I just wanted to cry beacuse the book was so sad, but how would that look when I came inside to pick him up. Instead I finished the book as soon as I got home and sat here crying for, I don't know, the last three chapters?
I've been working late nights all week so far, which I normally don't do. But it actually made me feel good. I was tired and sometimes - when the kids were loud or didn't listen - I just wanted to get out of there but I am proud of myself for keeping calm. It wasn't that bad, but still. It's just annoying when the kids hang out in my room, playing around and touching my stuff. I have to clean up after them and even though we all know they shouldn't be there at all it just kind of happens anyway. I want to be able to hang out down here, but one thing always leads to another.. and it always ends up worse..
It feels like I can focus on myself when I work and don't hang out with my friends. I've been eating healthy and doing my workout, I am happy about that. I've been skyping a lot today which may also be a reson to why I am sad. To hear what you people do at home and thinking about what I would do at home right now makes me feel soo far away. I am really sad I will miss the swedish summer (and I also hate the word SWEDISH, the way americans know sweden is just not right). I want to take bikerides, I want to walk around THE lake, not any lake, I want to wander around in our neighbourhoods and do everything I used to. I know nothing exciting happens at home, but still.
This week will be hard for me I realize that, but I want to fight for my life here, I need some challenge. Everything is just so easy all the time and I need to face hard times to. It feels even better to do it without my friends. And also, I kind of want to spend some time with Mirea before she leaves for her 4 week sleepover camp. She's leaving right after school ends and i won't see her again in four weeks. I know that she likes to pend time with me, just chatting and talking about casual things. She kind of opens up for me and I love to be there for her. I remember how it was in that age and how lost you can be. I can't believe that I came to a family like this one. I love them all, they are awesome.
Now, I'm going to watch the movie The Last Song, to see what I think about it.
Dancing competition and Monopoly

DJ Arno!

Monopoly game.

Arno is performing his tap-dance.
Lori and Charlie were both out late for dinner so I had the kids til late.
Suddenly they decided to have a dance competition and I was the judge. Arno was so cute, he really thought he was good at his hiphop-style or what it was which was extremely charming. I had to hold up a papaer with a number after every dance and Mirea won with one point! Fun night with the kids, I love them!
Biking and Baking

Julia spent the entire weekend at my place. Saturday night we watched a scary Maria Wern movie, we were so scared!!! Maria and her graduationfriends on an island alone and a murderer is after Maria. It was so good, but very creepy though. The next day we went biking around in the area. It was fun and I think I will use Lori's bike more often!

We tried to make a pinapple/nut pie, but it didn't work out the way we wanted it to. Julia here as you can see sucks at baking ;)

We could eat it but threw half of it away. Next time I will make a real pinapple pie - a recept I know works!
Longwood & Boston Sunday

Longwood is also a walkway we pass with the T and I always say I wat to walk. So we did.

We walked to Brookline Village, another thing on my list of things I wanted to see.

A cozi little suburb, we had lunch at this little café.

Then we went into Boston to just walk around. Quincy Market.


We went over to the other side, something I suppose was an island a bridge away from land.

Boston Tea Party museum. Next to Charlie's office.

We had ice cream outside Boston Childrens Museum. The weather was hotter than we expected and we sweated a lot. A cool ice cream was necessary!!

After this Julia had to work and I went home without anything to do.
I asked Madde if she wanted to go out for dinner, which she wanted to so we went to the new opened ShakeShack at Route 9. It was really crowded, we stood in the line for about 25 minutes.
After that we went to her LCC-meeting at Treat's Cupcakes. It was fun to join a meeting even though I didn't have to. Her lcc was nice and we had to tell everybody about our lives, like if you were new in school or something. The other aupairs hadn't been here more than a couple of months, so I guess that's why. However it was fun. I like Madde better when I am alone with her :)
Friday night

It sucks to be in another country when you know that you are allowed both to buy and to drink at home.
E kindly bought us some alcohol, I felt that I needed to do something fun this weekend. Fun was just the beginningword of the night!

Long time no see!

Ofcourse we had to go the swedish way!

I borrowed the loudspeaker from my family's computer and we had a real party down in my room. It was so much fun, and totally necessary :)

Let the fun begin!
Tanning in Boston Common

This is the coziest park ever. People are just chillin' all the time!
Some have their guitars, some play saxophone and people are just walking around.

Isn't this typical for America? Cops horsebackriding in the parks!

We found a sanwich place where we bought some lunch. I ordered Buffalo Chicken, spicy but very good. Enough for lunch the next day too!
Cheesecake Factory dinner

This time we actually had real dinner, not just appetizer and we didn't have cheesecake at all.
It felt good not to eat cheesecake, even though it's the best thing I know except for fro-yo, but it's just not good for your health. Anyway, we had a great time even though we had to sit in the middle of everything and could barely hear what we said. But my friends are nice and we had a good time!
The lake

Every time we go with the T we pass a lake in Reservoir and I always say that I want to take a walk around the lake, which I've seen other people do. So this Tuesday we made that happen. After that we went to my place to pay the rest of our trektour to California. It feels so good to have payed everything beforehand. It will still be expensive when we are there, beacuse we still have to pay for food and fun things we want to do, but it will be worth it - I will finally experience somehting I've dreamed about since I was a little girl. Can't believe it!
PW next to Charles River

It was nice weather out so I took a powerwalk in the wood next to Charles River before meeting Julia at Starbucks.

Took a break to sit down enjoy the evening and the view from the big fallen trees.

Later Julia and I had juice at Starbucks and were chatting for hours and hours. I can't believe there can be so much to say. We've started to talk a lot about Sweden and how we do things different and how we have it at home. I know nothing will be the same when I get home which makes me kind of sad. But after a year in another country you really learn what matters most and what you miss. I miss moments I know have passed and will never happen again. I am kind of happy I have less than 3,5 months left here, as I have said before, one year is absolutely enough. I will miss it here, oh boy, what I will miss it, but home is always home. I know I will be bored after doing everything I've missed, but still. Home is where I belong.
Bella the doll

Baby bunny

This is my new friend! He looks so much bigger than he really is..
Arno named him Joe, but I am not really sure if I think that suits him..
Sunday dinner

More ugly pictures!
After the beach we went to Crystal Lake were Julia and I took a swim!! I still can't believe it ;)
Madde lied in the shadow all the time, watching our stuff. Then Julia and I went home to my place to make som salmon dinner with melon as dessert. I like it, as you can see ;)
Revere beach
The weather has been hot, hot, HOT!! I tried to sunbathing in my yard, but I sweated to much. This sunday we went to the beach instead. It was a lot cooler, but it was windy - so windy that the sand blew everywhere which was very annoying. We had sand in out ears, bikinis, bags etc. And our bodies left sand-marks on the towels so you could see exactly where we had been. The beach was ok except from the sand-part, not the best one, but ok.

A very ugly picture, but that doesn't matter :)

Thursday night

I have the most amazing friends. We went to Panera for dinner and then decided to try pringles ranch at cvs. We sat outside late that night just chatting and having fun (as you can see).. love them!
Harvard Graduation

It is graduation-time and I wanted to see some graduationhats so we went to Harvard University!

Very fancy with tables and chairs, but we weren't allowed to go into the "graduation area". They only let parents and families in there and you had to buy a ticket.

I saw some hats, and it was just like in movies!

A lost teacher at the T.

Sweaty and tired we had a subway sandwhich at the harbor.
Picnic at Crystal Lake

The most lovely, hot summerday and we bought some food at Whole foods and went to the lake.

Yeah, as you can see - we sat there for a long time, just chatting and enjoying the wonderful evening!
Ben & Jerry's

It was memorial day and hot outside. We went to B&J for ice cream - yum! After that we went to Fast & Furious 6 which was an incredible good movie! Best I have seen in a very long time!!
When we were on our way home a guy drove out right after us and hit Terese's car. I saw everything but the damage wasn't very big. We pulled over and the guy did too, Terese took his insurance number and she also called her hostdad, but he didn't seem worried. They have hade accidents before and I still don't think he'd called the guy who hit us. However, we are fine and nothing big happend!