Some months later
I've been thinking a lot of USA lately. I have it in my head and heart all the time. It was definitely the best thing I have done in my life so far. This year made me become another person with new perspectives.
Many times I think of the family and my kids, how they're doing and how much I miss my life there. I would love to go back. I miss all fun nights with my friends, all the fun things we did, and USA as a conutry. I miss all my trips and vacations, everything I have seen and done. When I got back to Sweden it feels like beeing trapped. I remember saying that about USA and living with a hostfamily, but now I think it might be worse here. Sävsjö is a small town and there is nothing to do here. I don't have any friends left and some times I even miss going to school, to be social every day and know where you are in life.
It feels like everything is possible in USA. If I wanted to do something I could just do it. Everything was simple. In Sweden I feel stuck and it feels like time is just passing by without me noticing it. In america I counted the days, weeks in another way, it made me feel alive in some way. I was right there, right now. I miss our travelmonth and all the new places we visited. In Sweden everything feels so far away and the gas to the car is really expensive. It's more complecated to travel with train and bus and everything feels more like a big deal.
The things I missed with home before, like my room and Ville, I am glad to be able to enjoy more now. Ville is my best buddy who I always want to hug and hold and my room is just waiting for me to re-decorate and take care of. I also enjoy family-quality-time. A friday night with a boardgame could be so wonderful. I didn't do that for a year, so that is great. It feels better to live at home now. It works better with mom and dad, even though my biggest dream right now is to be able to move. I help more with stuff at home and I feel more responsible.
Julia is in India right now, and I have to say I am very jealous of her. She has moved on so fast. I have to make enough money to do something like that but she had more work than me so she could do it faster. I think my plan for now is to make money for a longer trip (backpacking?) or maybe move to london to study or work.
I have told myself not to meet a guy, cause I don't want to become my friends or have these guy-problems that everybody has. I want to live my life alone. It could be fun to rent an apartment with some friends for awhile, but I want to do my thing. I have also realized I want to do something important with my life. I want to help people or make some difference in the world. I think I want to do a volunteer-trip too some day. Too bad it's so expensive.
Well, these were some of my thoughts for now.
Back in Sweden


At first, when we came out from the bag-picking I couldn't find my family. Julia's stood right when we got out so I felt kind of lonely, but them they came! It was so good to see them again! Roll donw to see the pictures from mom's camera.

In the campingcar on our way home.

I got an USA-pillow.

Frida slept in the guestbed that night. My room looked like a bomb had exploded or something - really disappointing how it could fall apart like that during my year away, but apparently it had been used as a closet or something.

Lovely dog wanted to welcome me home!

These are mom's pictures from my homecomming.

That night I fell asleep with excitement in my body. The following days were really bad, it didn't seem like anybody cared that I was back home. Mom and dad were away all day the following day. Here is my diary from my first days in Sweden:
Hemma i Sverige igen:
Allt känns så konstigt, ena dagen säga hejdå till allt i Boston och nästa säga hej till efterlängtade, älskade Sverige. Som jag har väntat! Vi grät och kramades på flygplatsen, jag gosade med Ville för första gången sedan han var liten valp. Mamma och Frida hade gjort en välkommen hem-skylt som jag tjatat om, och i husbilen gick jag paket med en USA-kudde. Vägen hem kändes som en evighet, men det kändes skönt att se de svenska 80-skyltarna igen. Granar och jämn asfalt utan hål och igenfyllnader överallt.
Hemma var konstigt, allt var så mycket mindre än jag mindes det, det kändes som ett hemtrevligt litet krypin. Fridas rum hade blivit hundrum/gästrum och mitt rum proppat med saker - det var som att gå in i en garderob. Vår gamla tjocktv, ett bord, usa-flaggor, post från ett år m.m. Ingen kul syn så att säga. Jag var väldigt besviken över att de inte gjort något åt det innan jag kom hem. Det hade behövts städas ganska rejält om man säger så. Rummet kändes extremt litet.
Ville var en av de största höjdpunkterna med att komma hem. Han var mindre än jag trott, men världens gosigaste!! Nu vill jag bara packa upp mina saker och installera mig hemma. Slänga ut skiten som inte hör hemma i mitt rum och inviga den nya jag. Jag ser fram emot att plocka fram allt nytt jag köpt och imorgon ska jag nog ha bildvisning.
Nästa dag:
Det blir aldrig riktigt som man tänkt sig.Jag och Frida gick 7,5 km runt elljusspåret med Ville innan hon åkte till Nässjö. Adios med henne liksom. Kul att vi hinner ses efter mer än 6 månader. Mamma vilade sig och jag tog bilen till mormor och sockerklaras. Stannar till vid Hair'e'vi för att kolla om fanny jobbade vilket hon gjorde. Hon blev helt chockad över att se mig, nästan tårögd och sa att hon trodde jag skulle komma på söndag. Hon hade alltså ingen aning om att jag skulle komma hem. Tack för den. Hon verkade glad över att se mig, men jag vet att allt är uppblåst nu i början och att hon snart kommer strunta i mig när det väl kommer till kritan. Hon vill att det ska låta så bra, som att hon inte har gjort annat än att tänka på mig, men sen kommer vi inte umgås ändå. Sen gick jag in till Sockerklaras. Jag hann prata med Ida en stund innan kunder kom, och jag hjälpte henne att slå in lite paket för att hon verkade stressad. Sedan tog jag med mig fanny till mormor där vi fikade lite, mormor var glad över att se mig igen. (Innan dess hade jag fått åka till pappas jobb för att ta reda på vart mormor bodde). Det kändes så konstigt att köra manuell bil igen, jag måste verkligen tänka mig för hela tiden!!
Jag lämnar av fanny och åker hem. Frida ringer och undrar hur kvällen blir med bildvisning och dyl. Hon säger att de inte kommer hinna, vilket totalt förstör resten av min dag. Att hon har mage att ta mig i sista hand redan nu. Blir väldigt trött på att allt hennes är så himla viktigt hela tiden, men att jag varit borta i 13 månader och vill berätta om det, det är ingen big deal...?!
Jag gick in till Fanny som ville att jag skulle berätta allt, men som vanligt lyssnade hon inte alls. Hon sa att det var bra att jag kommit hem för att hon umgåtts så mycket med PG den sista tiden och Camilla tycker att vi ska börja träna ihop. Känner mig efterlängtad och välkommen hem för att jag är JAG? nej, inte precis. Jag visste hela tiden att allt tjat om saknad bara var bullshit. Jag skjutsar fanny till pg och tog massa foton på dem eftersom fanny ville det. Pg missförstod/drev om att han skulle ta på oss och det hade ju inte varit helt konstigt eftersom jag inte varit hemma på så länge och fanny saknat mig såååå, men nej, det var ju fanny och pg korten skulle tas på. Självklart. Och sedan skulle de ju självklart utnyttja mig till att skjutsa dem till Robert Scmidt dit de skulle på fest. Men frågar de mig om jag vill följa med? nej, såklart inte. Fanny har ju saknat mig så mycket att hon till och med glömde bort att jag fanns. Men när hon behöver hjälp med något, då vet hon vart hon har mig. När jag kommer hem bryter jag ihop totalt. Jag har inte gråtit så mycket och så länge sedan jag var liten. Frida och Jonatan verkade skita i mig och mina usa-bilder och frida förvissade sig om att det inte fick vara för många bilder. Vad tror hon liksom? Jag har ju jättemycket att berätta om och det är så fruktansvärt tråkigt att ingen är intresserad av vad jag har gjort. De enda kommentarerna man får är att det är jobbigt att titta på det.
Mamma hade lagat någon konstig kycklingrätt hon aldrig gjort innan. Vad hände med listan över mat jag beställt och längtat efter??!? Kycklinglasagne var det jag ville ha, men nej. Jag var inte längre peppad på varken bildvisning eller uppackning. Dagen var liksom förstörd. Mamma och pappa låtsas som om ingenting har hänt och jag fattar inte hur jag ska kunna leva i den här skiten framöver? Varför umgås jag med folk som konstant gör mig besviken? Kan jag inte hitta några andra människor som gör mig glad istället? Jag har haft det så bra i ett års tid, och det märks mer än väl att man är hemma i träsket igen. Jag har saknats när jag har varit borta, men nu när jag är hemma är det som om ingenting har hänt.
Nästa dag:
Mamma och pappa åkte på förmiddagen - kul att de lämnar mig ensam det första de gör. De frågade inte om det är något jag vill göra, och jag insåg att det inte är så kul att göra saker med dem heller när de inte ens försöker. Jag var på erikshjälpen och bazaar, som blev lite av en besvikelse eftersom det inte fanns mycket till fynd och sävsjö kändes redan trångt och tråkigt. Det känns inte som om jag varit borta mer än en dag. Jag gick in till Fanny en sväng men hon hade inte tid. Jag spenderade istället dagen med att städa och försöka fixa iordning i mitt rum. Det har ju som sagt fungerat som förråd så det var ju lättare sagt än gjort att ta tag i allt det där. Jag kände mig ganska ensam den dagen, men när mamma och pappa kom hem insåg jag att jag hellre är ensam än i dåligt sällskap. Vi beställde den efterlängtade pizzan och allt började bli lite bättre, men så snart vi skulle börja äta ringde frida och förstörde allt igen. Jag är så besviken på henne att jag inte ens finner ord. Det enda jag begär är att hon ska bry sig om mig, men inte ens det verkar hon klara av. Jag verkar vara helt ensam om mina åsikter om att vi har tid att ta igen. Lite uppvakning nu när man varit borta så länge, men jag märker ju att de inte förstår alls hur det känns för mig. De tror att allt är PRECIS som det var innan, men det är det ju såklart inte. Jag insåg att jag inte mått bra i USA - jag har mått dåligt hemma. USA-livet är antagligen så man ska må i livet. Efter Fridas samtal bröt jag ihop igen, och mamma och pappa tyckte jag var larvig. Jag grät för att jag inte alls tyckte att det var mitt fel, jag försökte hela tiden att få detta att bli bra, men alla bara sårar och struntar i mig. Min pizza blev kall medan mamma och pappa åt. De visste inte ens vad det var frågan om, men de var övertygade om att det var mitt fel. Välkommen hem till ditt gamla liv, Victoria! Man hör om alla andras föräldrar som är glada över att få hem sina barn igen, men ärligt talat såg jag aldrig någon sådan lycka. De hade inte ens städat huset tills jag kom hem. De förstår verkligen inte att jag längtat efter familje-kvällar, pizza och få berätta om vad jag varit med om. Det finns så mycket man saknar när man inte har det och självklart måste man vara med om det själv för att inse det. Men jag hade önskat att de gjort saker för min skull när jag kom hem, att de hade gjort min första helg bra åtminstone. Man har höga förväntningar på att äntligen få se/göra allt man saknat och det hade känts bra om någon annan ansträngt sig lite. Min första helg i Sverige - helgen jag fantiserat om sedan dagen jag åkte hemifrån för mer än ett år sedan, blev ett enda stort helvete... Jag har som sagt inte gråtit så mycket på länge som jag gjorde då.
Back in Boston

When we got back to Boston we were hiding from our families for awhile, so we met Terese and Madde at Panera and sat there for hours. We talked about the trip, showed some pictures and talked about the things we had missed here.

The next night we spent at Cheesecake Factory for a goodbye-dinner. We gave each other presents - we got necklesses with "love" written on them and american candy to bring home to sweden. We gave them things we made - Madde got a makeupbag and Terese a fabric bag that we had drawn on and made to our own thing.

The next day we went to Boston for the last time. Ofcourse we enjoyed one last froyo too.

Had a good time and felt both excited to go home soon, and sad to leave this life behind.
That night I had goodbye-dinner with the family and Pauline. We went to a french restaurant in South Boston. I had a some steak I think and it was really good. Some chocolate dessert. Lori was very curious about our trip and it felt good to tell them all about it. We gave each other presents - I gave them the plate with crocheted cookies and cakes, and the kids got one crocheted animal each (lion and aligator) and I also gave them an album with pictures of our time togehter. They gave me a candle with a written proverb on it. It said "friends are like stars, you don't have to see them to know they are there". And a got a handmade metal sign. It said: "Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life, with love always, Charlie, Lori, Mirea and Arno. Waban 2012-2013". That was the best gift ever! It was a great, but sad dinner.

The next day was D-day. Julia stayed at our house that night, because it was Emelie's birthday and she didn't want to be in the way.

Some pictures with Arno and Pauline.

The cute little kid, he didn't want to let go of me!
The last night Mirea went to dance and said goodbye earlier during the day. Lori and Charlie came home late and we sat on the couch talking for awhile before I had to leave. Terese drove us to the aiprort.

It was sad to say goodbye and it was something you just wanted to get over with. Arno was really sad, but Lori and Charlie wished me good luck in life and told me that I could come visit any time and was always welcome. It felt great to hear!
The next thing that happened when we came to the airport was that we drove to the wrong gate. We were stressed out but finally made it, with the bus, to the right one. The lines were long and we were afraid we would miss the plane. When we came to security they stopped Julia and checked through her bags for knives but she had a nailcutter so we could pass. We had a hamburger even though non of us were hungry, but we had some time to eat before the plane took off. After awhile they said our plane was delayed so we could breath out.
Finally, after a wierd day, we were on the plane to Frankfurt.
In Frankfurt we found our gate, but this plane was delayed too. We had to wait 5 or 7 hours, I'm not really sure. But it felt like a loooooooong time, especially after our waits these past weeks of flight-waiting-time. We tried to sleep on some benches and after a long time they told us to get on a bus (that took us to another part of the big airport) and we were finally on our way back to Sweden! We were so excited!!
Manhattan Beach

Oh, so good!

Now, this is what the most famous LA-beach should look like :)

After this we spent some time at LAX airport and then on the nightplan back to Boston. We had lots of space and it was a great plane to sleep on.

Julia is excited we have only a few days left until we're back home in Sweden!
Manhattan Beach

Oh, so good!

Now, this is what the most famous LA-beach should look like :)

After this we spent some time at LAX airport and then on the nightplan back to Boston. We had lots of space and it was a great plane to sleep on.

Julia is excited we have only a few days left until we're back home in Sweden.
Manhattan & Hermosa Beach

A very cloudy day, but we went for a walk anyway. It was still warm outside.

We lied on the beach even though there was no sun.

We walked to Hermosa Beach, which is the inspiration to the open shopping mall in the oc.

Some ice cream!!

Back at Redondo Beach.

Newport Yacht Club in the oc.

This boat will be inspiration for a romantic date in my third book about Annie and Alexander.

Look what I found at our motel!?

The O.C - Redondo Beach

Just like in the O.C.

Old Tony's.

The Pier.

The Restaurant in the O.C.

The place was pretty old and a little bit "trashy", but it didn't matter - it was so cool to recognize everything from the oc.

Their autographs.


It's one of my dreams to buy one of these cars!!

Our motel.


Candy-time behind the door! (the only place were we had internet connection!)

Our room, pretty cheap but very nice for the price.

Universial Studios day 2

Forrest Gump.

Ted - from the Boston-movie "TED".

Made of candy.

The donkey from Shrek.

NBC Universial.

Mr Bean.

This is where the fast and furious-cars should have been, but this part was under construction.

The best ice cream ever!!

Universial Studios day 1


Shrek 4D-show. With water, wind, heat etc. And 3D movie.

"Behind the scenes" - how to make a movie. An interesting show.

The old fashioned way of showing a dinosaur.

In the hands of King Kong.

A family on a boat.

A person with dots they later on take the motions and make an animal moving for example.

In the italian pizza-line.

Posters of movies and musicals along the road of the studio tour.

Stage 12.

Some of the buildings they have here.

What is behind....

On our way into the 3Dmovie.

Famous cars.

From the movie the Shark.

Desperate housewives!!

Gabby's house.





Mrs McCluskey.



The grinch.

This is where they have camp Hemnessey in Desperate Housewives.

Animal actor-show.

Blues brother-show.

Another show.

Our motel.

Hawaii - day 8

Our last day in Hawaii!

We didn't have the weathergods on our side in the morning, but it can change in two minutes. And it did.
It's often bad weather in the mornings.

Caution: beware of falling coconuts and fronds.

We found another paradise here.

And we were this happy!

Our last meal.

The airport looked more like someone's livingroom.

The postcards I sent.
Hawaii - day 7


The ocean ahead.

After some sunbathing we went back to the hotel for FANCY, cheap food. Hotdogs and sandwiches...

The pool outside our balcony.

Then we went for a walk.

Thai restaurant in Hilo.

Pretty girls...

Someone is hiding...

Hawaii - day 6

Hawaii - day 5

We started the day by walking to rainbow falls. Everyone said we needed a car to get there, but then we got mad, because everybody said we needed a car to go anywhere, so we decided to walk anyway, we googled the distance and it didn't seem too far.
The picture is of an hawaiian school on the way.

We were going up, on a mountain or something and it was really hard, but fun!

We finally made it up to the top ;)

Here is the fall. Not impressive, but a nice little adventure to get to!

It is still pretty early in the morning and very hot already!

On our way back.

Then we took a bus to Carlsmith beachpark.
This was the nicest place on our visit in Hawaii.

The water is absolutely clear and the pictures doesn't tell you at all about how it really looked.

These cliffs were burning hot!!


They were so close you could touch them and swim with them.

We swam to the island, one at the time.

Me on the island.

We bought greena and yellow bananas at hilo's farmers market. We thought it could be fun to try something new, applebananas, but they turned out to be just green bananas - tasting wood, definitely not ready to be eaten.

This was Julia's favorite night of the whole trip! We talked about a real steak, and here she had it. She told me to remind her about this steak for a long time afterwards - how happy she was :)

Hawaii - day 4




A beachpark close to our hotel.

The water is completely clear.

But the ground could be darker....

We went for a walk!

This is where we saw seaturtles for the first time, and we had no idea they lived here.

She jumped on a rock had was in pain for the rest of that day ;)

Had some shaved ice on our way home.

Our fancy dinner!

But it was truely good!

Hawaii - day 3

Good morning, Hawaii!

We took the bus to the other side of the island.

Tired after a long hot day in the sun.

Our friend on the way home, huge!!
Hawaii - day 2

Woke up early, so we watched the sunrise.

The view from our balcony.

The view from our balcony.

A trip into Hilo.

The simple breakfast at the hotel.

We were pretty down here the first day - hawaii didn't look at all as we expected it to, so it felt hopeless, but it got better!

The breakfast restaurant. You don't know if you are inside or outside.

View to the sea from the restaurant. Our hotelroom is to the right, almost were the building ends.

We realized this island was no surfing-island so we had to do that inside......

Ready for some food.

It was better than it looked!

Uncle Billy's general store.

Ice cream dessert.
Hawaii - day 1

We arrived to Hawaii at night.

This is what our room looked like :)

Venice beach & Hollywood

A gift we got from Brian our last day at the Trek. He signed them with the swedish words we taught him - häftig and helvete. We had to throw them away, beacuse we wanted to travel light, but atleast I took a pic of it to remember!

This was the first day after the trek and today we met Emelie and Louise to go to Venice beach.

A streetshow with people from the audience.

That little kid was so cool! Quiet, but cool.

This is one of the wierdest places I have ever visited. Wierd people and wierd things!

The black guy is completely covered with piercings!

Yes, the cars could look like this here ;)

We found a cozy restaurant.

No kidding, the best chickenburger EVER!

One of these guys had a cat on his shoulder while he was skateboarding.

Back in hollywood.


The hollywood-sign.

The hollywoodsign in the background.

Pizza at the California Kitchen!

Day 14 - Santa Barbara & LA

This was the end of the trip!

Day 13 - Google, Montery, Lover's point