P!NK Concert


Bought som yarn at Michael's today - all of them (instead of just two) were on sale and I am so happy!
I also bought two sweing-set for the easter treasure hunt for the kids!
Virkat monster

Ja, nu är den klar! Stolt är jag, som bara den!


It was a beautiful day so we went to Boston Harbor for the harborwalk. At the end of it we sat here for like half an hour, just enjoying the sun.

Then we went to Quincy Market for some coffee (I was healthy and drank water from the tap). When we sat there discussing our future we suddenly started to talk about going to the movies. So we walked to Loew's and came right in time (after the commercial!!). The movie was good, but afterwards I felt really depressed. I don't know why, but it's over now :) I am looking forward to Pink on thursday and NYC this weekend!!
Hello life!
Thought you would like to know about my day.
Yesterday I had Sunday-depression. I don't know what was going on but I was completely down. It was one of these days when you just want to lay down on the floor and cry. I didn't feel like doing anything or eat anything. I wasn't homesick or anything, just feeling very low.
But today when I woke up it was better. I saw the morningsun right through my window (gosh, I love that inspiring sun!) and the day suddenly felt so much easier. I took Arno to school and went home to do some crafty projects - Sofie, the magasines I got from you are awesume! I am working on my wall and I did some general cleaning (but now it's messy again). I did laundry for the week (proud) and had meatsauce and pasta for lunch.
My free time was over way to soon and I went back to school to pick him up, but he went to a friends house.
I drove Mirea to dance and picked him up. Watched youtube-videos until we were going to pick her up again.
Made dinner and planned april-pranks with Arno. He is so cute! He imagines the most complecated things and seriously believes that it will work. It is sad to see him disappointed..
When I was off I talked with my friends at facebook and listened at really loud music in my headphones. Suddenly I sat and looked at pictures from some people from Vetlanda and I realized how happy I am to finally get rid of all those people and the city. I know that it all made me sick and I still remember how badly I hated to go to school every day. I am just expressing my feelings - it feels so good to move on with my life!! I feel that I have become a person I want to be instead of... I don't know - a person who is listening to other people's bullshit?
I feel so good when I spend time with friends I like and can be myself with. Well, you friends that I had before, you know that I don't mean you :) All I am saying is just that I am glad I am moving on with my life and I hope I won't get back to my old life as soon as I get home, cause I am not sure I want to be that person again. I feel so much more free and happy nowadays. I don't have to spend time with people that are bragging or saying bad things about each other. I don't have to sit and listen to people complaining or talking about themselves. I am so tired of listening to other people all the time. It's time for me to talk. It's time for me to live my own life!
Independence, yey!
Ice outside

The bush outside my door down in the basement.
Birthday ice cream

Emelie wanted to celebrate my birthday (one month late, but we haven't had time for it) so we went to Cabot's.
I had an appetizer baked potatoe with chili and cheese. Looks terrible but it was great!

This was the best ice cream I have ever had a cabot's. Hawaiian Aloha with banana wheels, vanilla ice cream, pinapple topping and marshmellow!

Emelie had cookie dough and snickers with reese's pieces topping.


Tuesday this week - snowday.. But we had fun with yarn, I tried to teach the kids how to crochet but we ended up doing friendship bracelets instead.

I finished my superhero too!!

This is the result of Terese's and my baking this Monday. It's without a doubt the best carrotcake I have ever done!
St Patrick's Day

The next morning I got up early as usual. I did my workout (I have done it every day this week!!), took a shower and prepared breakfast for Terese - yummie!
Then we drove Madde to the T (she was going to Vermont and Montreal) and went into Boston for St Patrik's Parade (Irländska nationaldagen).

A map over the parade route. They started at 1pm. We thought we were early leaving Newton Centre at 11.45, but there were already many people out there. Lori said it would be "crazy" at St Patrick's day but I didn't realize how crazy crazy was, but the T was full after our stop and we stood packed like I don't know what. And it got even worse...

The T:s were soooooooooo crazily packed and more people came all the time. We were in the frontline and still had to wait 3 trains until we could board because of all the passengers. We got squeezed in the train and we had to wait for like 5 minutes just so the guards could clear the yellow line between the train and the ground. The people were just CRAZY!! I have never ever experienced anything like this - but it was fun to see!

So one of the things with this day is that you have to wear green - people wore green clothes, hats, glasses, jewelry, scarfs, wigs, makeup etc. Another thing is that you are "supposed" to drink pretty much all the weekend. Nothing we could do, ofcourse, but I think it's fun with drunk people as long as they don't scream and behave like jerks.

I wondered what to wear, but then I realized that wasn't a problem (it was the wrong green, but it's still green!) - leatherjacker, knitted sweater, pants, and even green converse - go St Patrick!!!

The pictures can speak for themselves. It was so worth it and we had so much fun in the crowd. Everybody was happy, drunk and wearing something green. Great day!!
I spent my Fridaynight with a movienight with Terese. We watched "desperate hours" which was an okey movie but not more than okey. Terese is a great friend, she's a person you can feel comfortable with and we lied on the couch chatting for a long time that night. Saturday I started my morning early with exercise even though I don't have to do it on weekends. I went to Julia to meet her family (such a lovely family, they are funny and pretty much like Julia) and then I took the T into Boston to meet Shannon, an american girl we met a long time ago. I almost changed my mind to meet her, I wasn't really in a mood for it - sit there and try to speak good english with someone that knows every little mistake you say can be kind of annoying (yes, i guess I was a little bit nervous). I don't really like the feeling to sit eye-to-eye with a person you don't really know even though it was my idea to meet up. Afterwards I was so glad I did it. Shannon is awesume and my english was so much better than I expected. We went to a café called Thinking Cup - sooo cozy!! Shannon is almost 24 and wants to learn some swedish. It felt great and we decided that we are going to meet soon again. I really want to practice my english skills!

After that I met up Terese in town. We passed a Lindt's chocolate store and Terese got totally amazed, so we went inside. I had been there before and I just wanted to show her - not buy anything. I was just on my way out (because when I have decided something I keep my word on that) when Terese said: "I think we should buy something now when we are here. They have so many flavors I want to try". Hmm......
I am not made of steel... The result was a bag with 10 different flavors were coconut, caramel and stracciatella turned out to be my favorites. We went in to Prudential to look for some st patrik-stuff for next day, we bought a neckless and then went to a nice "relax-place" with armchairs and coffeetables with our chocolate.

After that we went home and made tacos for dinner. And Madde came too.

I don't think you can even imagine how good this was!!!
We watched "Beck - levande begravd" after that, that's a very scary movie for being a beck-movie. Terese stayed over the night and I slept on the couch.

Yes, this is what it looks like when I am skyping with my family - nobody there...
I just had to take a picture of this, I look so miserable sitting there totally alone when three people are just running around doing other stuff!
A day with the kids

As you can see - the little pirate was popular!! The kids were soooooooo impressed and Arno didn't stop playing with him until one of his legs fell of - is that a good sign? haha.

Later that day we played with cuttonballs and had craft-time in my room. Mirea made a new cover for her notebook. I guess it means a lot to the kids when I ask if I can take a picture of their products when they're done. Mirea was so happy :)

As you can see I finally made it - I learned to crochet!! I am so proud of myself and it's so much fun!

This little tiny stuffed teddy bear I gave to Julia as a mascot for her trip to Miami.


Waffles for breakfast, ala Victoria - not bad!! They're actually not very unhealthy after all!

This is what I got from my family here. I felt completely warm in my body and am so thankful.
Coloringpencils, stamps, notebook, giftcards etc..

... and I got this birthdaycard from them which ment so incredible much for me. Those words were carefully chosen and it feels totally great to hear it sometimes :) The best family!!
Ice Skating

As an LCC-meeting we went ice skating in west roxbury skating rink.

It was really fun, but also kind of boring cause you have to go around in a circle all the time.. I don't think you are allowed to change direction -.- haha! But it was great to do something fun on the meeting!
After the meeting we went to IHOP - the house of international Pancakes!

I hadn't had breakfast that day so I ate real food instead - healthy as I am :)
I had chicken, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes with mashed potatoes - yummie!

Then we went home to Julia with some fruit and bread and had a movienight!
Julia and I couldn't stop laughing and we had a great time :)

As you can see - we had so much fun!!
When we went home that night we had travelled for about 2 hours when the busdriver told us an accident had happend with one of their buses. One person had died (nobody from the bus) but since we were so close we were supposed to pick some of the passengers up and take them home. Julia and I was so disappointed since we understood we were going to miss the last train home. We got our own police-escort since they had shut the highway down because of the accident and then we just had to wait for the passengers.
I fell asleep, but two hours later we went home - without passengers! That was so annoying, but it was kind of cool with the escort though :) We took a cab home and everything ended up happy.

New York

City Hall.

City Hall Park.

The new World Trade Center.

Battery Park - statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty.

NY Public Library.

Chrysler Building.

Chrysler Building.

NY Public Library
New York - Brooklyn Bridge

After Fika, we took a walk along Brooklyn Bridge. The weather was great and we were so happy!

Manhattan Bridge with Empire in the background.

Manhattan Bridge.

Statue of Liberty.

Statue of Liberty to the left!

New York - Applestore & Fika

We went to the Swedish Espresso House called Fika. It was so great/felt wierd to speak swedish with the girl that worked there :)

Chocolate balls as dessert ofcourse!
New York - Central Park

Yogurt, fruit and sandwich as breakfast!

New York - Empire State Building

Directly after Miami Julia came to meet me up in NYC for one day before we went home. She had booked a room at 6th avenue, 38th street - a perfect location!!
This was our room - very high ceiling and it unfortunately smelled smoke but other than that it was great!
Since Julia's bus was over 2 hours late I had to go in and try to check in at the hotel even though it was in her name. The receptionist wasn't very happy but if I gave him 50 dollars cash and my passport he agreed (which I ofcourse got back). It was right before 12 at night when Julia showed up - it was so good to see her!
We went out to go to Empire State Buildning - we wanted to see it at night which was SO WORTH IT!!
Julia had already bought tickets online (also recommended - so much cheaper!). Here comes some pictures!

When we got home we stayed up reeeeally late talking and laughing - we had so much fun!
A day in March
I just need to tell you about my day.
It's pretty tiring to just upload pictures all the time and I had a really great day today that I really wanted to tell you about. It feels kind of boring to go back to your regular life after a great vacation - it doesn't matter what you do or where you live, that's how it is. If you spend your time with your sister you haven't seen in 6 months it feels kind of strange to just leave her and not see her again, it's like going back to reality from at sweet dream. I am not sad about it, because for me here 6 months is a very short time. I try not to see it as a big deal, but it still feels kind of wierd. However my kids made my day today - they are adorable both of them and I feel so lucky to be their aupair.
First of all it feels great to come home again and to get organized - I did my exercise (extremely well done) and I cooked a healthy meal for lunch. I took a powerwalk before picking Arno up from school and I had a great chat with Emelie who I haven't seen for a very long time. I think I am pretty happy cause I feel so good about myself, I am proud of what I did today.
Arno and I went bicycling and scootering (sparkcykel) which was so incredible fun!! He was so happy that I wanted to go with him (again - what have the aupairs before me done with the kids????), but I actually thought it would be fun! Here you have some pictures:

As the good aupair I am I almost forgot to make sure he had a helmet, but in last minute I remembered. Then he sighed and mumbeled that I should have one too. I went inside to open the garage and hoped he would forget that he just said that, but when I came out again a little black helmet lied on the ground next to my scooter. Isn't he cute? haha.
I had written a note to Lori that we went outside playing if she wondered where we were and I felt even more good about myself - both for doing physical activities and both because Lori likes when the kids are playing outside, and also for making the time go so much faster. Earlier today when I had lunch in the kitchen Lori came and sat with me and chatted for awhile. One of her cousins had past away so she talked about that. She also asked if I had plans for tonight, and if I could take care of the kids until 8 o'clock if no. I really apprecciate that she doesn't take anything for granted. And I feel good about myself to be able to give something back to them - I get so much from them all the time and I feel so ungrateful when I just go down to my room instead of spending more time with them. I haven't had dinner with them since christmas if you don't count my birthday.. However, it felt great to say yes, and I didn't see it as a big deal. According to my original schedule am I supposed to work until 7-8 a normal day, but nowadays I am spoiled with Lori working from home...
Arno and I went inside for milk chocolate and a cardgame before we went to pick Mirea up from dance. The parking outside of the dance studio is crazily tight and if you aren't really early or pretty late it's hard to get space, but this time I found a gap to park in. Tight ofcourse, with cars close both ahead and behind me - but I made it!! When we got home (about 6.45) I started to make dinner - swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes, a dish I don't usually do which made me feel efficient!
After dinner I took care of everything and aksed the kids for their plates so I could load the dishwasher. Both of them were so thankful and Mirea even gave me a hug for doing that, aren't they the best kids ever?
After that Lori and Charlie came home but I continued playing cards with Arno which made him even more happy about me. It's something almost "forbidden" to spend time with me when I am off duty, so I think he likes that a little extra. And when I said it was time for me to go to bed he held my arm, begging me to stay. What have I done to deserve this life?
Today has been a day when you feel stronger for every breath you take. Now I am sitting down in my room relaxing and listening to Pandora. Just listened to the song New slang with The Shins. And Mumford & Sons ofcourse. Today is a day to feel good about yourself and your life. Thank you!
Miami - the little camera

Picnic at the beach!

Holocaust Memorial

Thursday - Miami Beach

Wednesday - Haulover Beach Park

Wednesday - South Pointe Park

A great place to sit and read magasines/crochet.

Mexican food.

Then it started to get cloudy. But it was very local, so it dissappeared very soon again.


Segway, skateboards, bicycles, runners etc.. So inspiring!
Tuesday - Lincoln Road

Tuesday - Botanical Garden

Banana tree.

Tuesday - Haulover Beach Park

Luxury houses next to the canal, with big yachts..

Luxuryhotel at Miami Beach, about 3 blocks away from our hotel. Fountaine Bleu.

Monday - Beach
Before Jungle Island we went to the beach, just to get a real view of it without clouds as it was the first day..

Monday - Jungle Island
Monday morning we took the bus down to another Island - Jungle Island, to go to a zoo there.

We walked over a big bridge and got a nice skyline!

Do you see the water to the left???

We had some food at the restaurant next to the flamingos - no complaining!!

After that we took a little walk to the harbour (so fancy boats, crazy!!)

And then we went into town to take a bus back home.. Here was a nice church.

Waiting for the bus!

Sunday - Our Bridge

Sunday - Wynwood graffiti

Sunday - Miami Seaquarium

Frozen banana dipped in chocolate!!

Saturday - Miami

Biscayne Boulevard.

Freedom Tower.

Freedom Tower.

American Airlines Arena.

Freedom Tower again.

Beautiful Miami!!

Saturday - The beach

The first two days were cold, but it got better later on. So we went in to Miami to explore the city! But first - our beach and area at Miami Beach!

Our hotel is the white one behind the palms..
Saturday - Little Havanna

Friday night - Miami airport

Finally here, but it was late and kind of cold..

This Friday morning Lori took Arno to school so Frida and could sleep in if we wanted to. But we got up early to say goodbye to Mirea anyway.
We spent the day packing and preparing our stuff for Miami, Julia came over with some travellingcandy. We also booked a room for a night in NYC when I got home from Miami.
Lori and Arno drove us to the airport (so kind of them), Arno huged Frida for a very long time, he didn't want us to leave - cutie!
...And our trip to Miami started!

Thursdaynight we had dinner at Henrietta's table at Harvard to celebrate my brithday a little too late (I've been so busy with Texas and everything).
I asked Frida to take a picture of all of us :)

Then Lori wanted to take a picture of me and Frida.
The restaurant was nice and fresh and I had steak with mashed potatoe and gravy (it was delicious!!!) and chocolate breadpudding for dessert.

After the dinner Lori wanted to show Frida harvard which was interesting. It's nice to get a guided tour!!
We walked around in the university-area and looked at Charlie's arcitecture-project at the museum - sweet!

I will post a picture of my birthdaygifts from the family too!
Chipotle, mexican food

Wednesday night while we were waiting for the kids we had some dinner at the mexican restaurant nearby Mirea's dance. A bit spicy but yummie!


Since it was raining the entire wednesday we went into town on thursday instead.
This is harborwalk.

Paul Revere statue at North End.

Boston's oldest wooden house.

From the scene with the nuns in the movie "the town" with Ben Affleck.

This one is for mom and dad!

I introduced the donut for Frida and had to take one myself too. I usually don't like them but this one (unfortunately) was really good so from now on I might like donuts?!

We walked through Boston Common and Public garden.

And had a cupcake at Georgetown Cupcakes..

Then we took the T back home!
Cheesecake Factory

Blueberry white chocolate cheesecake that Frida ended up eating instead, not my favorite.. red velvet is hard to resist.

Frida took a picture of all of us.
Madde, Terese, Julia and I.

That Tuesday Frida and I went to Petco and Michael's, and also Natick Mall a quickie.
We bought some italian ice cream - watermelon and peanutbutter!
Hopscotch and sledding

Tuesday afternoon Arno and I went outside to play!
Crocheting School

Arno wanted Frida to teach him too, but we didn't get time for that...

The Monday morning we took a little walk around Waban area. We planned to go into Boston but then the kids needed me to do laundry and we also had to go grocery shopping since it had been february vacation and the refridgerator was pretty much empty..
We went to Cabot's the Sunday night, for dinner and Cabot's famous ice cream!

Natick Mall

Frida's first frozen yogurt!

Someone liked my new hat!!

Fashionshow at home!!