9-months Anniversary
As I said before, we celebrate 9 months in the States. This Monday was the 27th, which was the date when we left Sweden. Home feels so far away and sometimes I miss it, but I have had the best year in my life so far. I can now feel that I have been away for awhile, lately I've been thinking more about Sweden than ever before and Julia and I agreed that one year is a good time to be away, not more. I don't feel that the past months have been much of a challenge for me since I pretty much live like a princess her - my family is great, I don't have to work much, I have great friends and we do a lot of fun things all the time - what more can you ask for?
If I would get the opportunity to go back to Sweden now I would not do it. I want to go home, but I don't want to leave this. What I hope to remember from this time here is a great way of living and a happy me - cause that's just how it is. I don't say that I am unhappy in Sweden, but it feels like I will fall back to my regular life again, and I am not sure I want to do that... I am proud of myself for taking a step out in the world and do things you dream of. I'm also happy that I live a life completely without problems. I have always had something that dragged me down, it could be schoolwork, friends or whatever but now I am free. On my freetime here I can do whatever I want to - no needs (that makes me lazy too ofc) and I couldn't enjoy it more than I do.
Today I worked out for 1,5 hours on the machine next to my room while I watched "Tsatsiki, vänner för evigt", feels good to get rid of some energy. Also, we went to Cheesecake earlier this week so it has to be even. Now I'm making cod and potatoes in the oven which, for me, feels like real food. I love Wednesdays, cause they are always busy. I have to drive the kids and spend most of the time alone waiting for them - something I really appreciate, cause then I can do whatever I want to. Too bad Arno has swimming only next week too. But well, well.
Now I have to go check my cod in the oven. Sounded like Lori was home too. Talk to ya later, fellas!
Chicago day 2

Back in B. Eat strawberries and twizzles, chatting with Terese on the phone. Cozy!

Chicago day 1, part 3

Chicago day 1, part 2

Chicago, Memorial day parade

Chicago day 1, part 1

The BEAN!!

Taco-night at Madde's





Yo fans! How are you doing?
I'm sitting on the floor in my room, listening to Jason Derulo, crocheting while I'm eating mixed berry-smoothie. Cold but yum. SOMEONE wanted more writing here, so this is for you :) Well, I realize that I post more pictures than I write, but it just takes such a long time to write. However, the weather has been gray and boring for a couple of days now, but it's still warm. The weather forecast said a thunderstorm was comming, but so far - nothing. This week has been very chill for me since Mirea has been practicing her dance every day and Lori has taken care of that. So I've had only Arno for this week, and Lori has been home very early every day. Lucky me!
I'm very proud of myself for doing my workout so well this week. I've been running, doing situps etc. every day except today. Feels so good. Today it's Friday and I will let myself chill and save my energy for the Chicago-trip this weekend. I know exactly how exhausted your legs are after one day of walking. Especially when I'm stubborn enough to always wear my old white converse (which I count as my travellingshoes, so they have to go with me on every trip!). They aren't really good for my feet.. but I want to have them anyway!
This weekend Julia and I celebrate 9 months in the states - maybe we'll eat at a fancy restaurant or something, we are like an old couple... haah.
This week has somehow been pretty boring, and I've been very tired. Maybe it's the weather, or maybe I've just been sick of everything. It's pretty lame to know how every day will look like and nothing new happens. Well, not with my friends ofcourse, but now I'm talking about my family-life and job. I love my family, they are the best, but some days are just boring. Chicago will be so much fun, and I'm looking forward to get away for a couple of days.
I had dinner with my family this wednesday, which I'm very glad I did. Lori and Charlie had anniversary so they had champagne and we ate bbq chicken with coleslaw. Very good. But as always, I'm not really a fan of these dinners.
Yesterday we were at Madde's house and had taconight - we had sooo much fun!! We played our own version of "galenpanna" which was so incredible fun! And the food was amazing, Madde had been shopping at her favorite bakery too, so she surprised us with cookies as dessert. I love my friends!
Maybe I should start to pack.. I have some homemade tomatosoup to eat to - did I menation that I've done a very good job with healthy food this week? I'm so proud of myself! Too bad I don't know what kind of food we'll have in Chicago, but atleast I've done good during the weekdays.
Can't believe it's Friday already, the time goes so fast - I will be home before we know it.
Okay. I'll update later! xoxo

Kiss108 Concert

A quick stop at IKEA for some meatballs! yum!

The parkinglot at the Kissconcert in Mansfield.

In the line to the seats!

Ready for a fun day!! 8 hours of fun!

God was there...........


Icona Pop - I love it

Glow - Nikki Williams

Olly Murs - Troublemaker

Jason Derulo - the best performance ever!!

Ridin' Solo

The audience were screaming when he took his shirt off!!

In my head

On the other side

Sammy Adams


Burrito plate!

The way - Ariana Grande

Taboo from The Black Eyed Peas got the audience in a great mood with his DJ-music.

Let's go - Ne-Yo

Because of you - Ne-Yo

The audience with flashing lights.

Alive - Krewella

Killin' it - Krewella

Heart attack - Demi Lovato
Fridaydinner at Outback Steakhouse

It was so crazily good!!! We will definitely go back there soooooon!
Nice Weather

Lunch in Cold Spring Park.

Outside chill with a good book the same day.
In the car

In the car while we waited for Mirea.

Arno found a plastic bag he started to play with - we turned out to have a lot of fun chasing it on the parking lot!

Mirea has her pandahat on her seat in the car.. it looks so funny everytime I look in the mirror back.
Skyzone Trampolinepark

Terese, Madde, Emelie and Julia.


My american hairdryer... I don't blow my hair very often, but when I did last time, I saw that the fan was very.....gray. I cleaned it, and WOW!! what a difference!

Friend-time Sunday

Saturday night - Julia and Terese slept at my place. I was sick, but not dying.

The next day Madde came too and we had something called "spa".....?!?

We look more scary than funny.. but we had fun!

Picnic and fun in the yard.

Terese's tiny smartcar - Julia's excitement!

Movie-time with Göta Kanaland Cape Cod-chips!

Dinner at Olive Garden!
11.30 at Julia's

We've started with these lunches together - were one of us cook lunch for the rest and next time we go to another person. Julia mad chicken with quinoa-sala and sauce. It was soooo good!

Julia and Madde. Terese couldn't make it because of her kid, she had some bat mitzva-thing.

The last day

Here we are, enjoying an american breakfast together the last day. At Cabot's of course.
We had a wonderful time together and I feel so good about my parents comming here and everything we did. We have been at so many new places and I did my best to give them a fair view of the US and my life here.
The waitress at Cabot's was curious nad asked if they were my parents visiting. She "knows" me from before and have asked me where I am from and "what I am doing at Cabot's all the time".. hahah. This time she told my parents that I was there twice a week! haha.. and the other server asked if we were from kentucky (because of the licenceplate on the car). They are funny.
However, it was hard to say goodbye, even if I try to tell myself it's less than 5 months until I see them next time. It is always hard when someone leave. Atleast I have new, nice memories to carry with me - and I am facing forward, I have so much fun stuff planned. Chicago, Kiss108concert etc.
But thanks mom and dad, for comming. It made me happy!
Boston, day ten

Boston during the day.

Dad saw this random busdriver with a horse-head, so we just had to take pictures of him!

Cheesecake Factory.

Boston bombings. Finish-line for the marathon.

Where one of the bombs exploded. They had to replace windows and everything,

Blood on the street.

Harvard University-area.

Chineese restaurenat at Harvard. A lot of food, enough for weeks after....
Cape Cod, day nine, familydinner
We went to Cape Cod, here is a "loppis".

Roadtrip pictures..

Back to B.

Lobster-dinner at Summer Shack's with my two families.

Mom, Arno and Lori.
Boston, day eight

At the bank in Waban.

Waban T-station.

At the converse-store. Bought a green pair and white lowtops!


Frozen yogurt at Pinkberry.

Copley Square and the bombing memorial.

Obervation deck Prudential Tower.

MC cortege around the bombing-area.

Public Garden.

Boston Common.

Outside Quincy market..

The harbor.

North End.

Paul Rever's house, the oldest woodenhouse in Boston.
After this we went home for a nice dinner at my place.

Julia came too. It was yummie and we had a good time!
Day seven, at the house

He liked the doggy.

Me outside the house.

Soup-time after grocery-shopping.

Bringing Arno home from school.

In the yard.

Arno's new shoes couldn't get dirty under...

Arno playing recorder for mom and dad..
My parents gave the family a flower and some candy so the kids wanted to give something back to them. We went to Plaster Fun time to paint magnets. Arno said several times that my parents were nice.

My flower.

Mirea made a monkey for mom.

Arno made Snoopy for dad. He was so proud of it!
Day six, Providence

At the motel in the morning.

Outside McDonald's with ice cream with KOLAsauce for our picnic.

Providence, Rhode Island.

Cheesecake Factory in Natick on our way to Newton.

Roadtrip, day five, Waterfalls

Philadelphia from the road.

The motel in Berlin, CT.

With a pool and a newbuilt neighborhood as our view.

That night we looked at old cars and played safari-golf.

Day four, D.C daytime


Maryland to D.C, subway.


Georgetown Cupcakes!


Hi Obama!

Roadtrip, day three, D.C by night

Panera Bread.

The rental car.

At the motel in Maryland.

On our way into D.C.

To the right of this restaurant I saw the korean guy from Hawaii 5-0!!

U.S Capitol in te background.

Our motel.
New York with family, day two

New York with family, day one

Present opening!

Fancy and cozy restaurant..

Our hotel. Location was awesome, but the place was a little bit trashy. but it worked, the location made it worth it. Perfect!