Plaster Fun Time

We went to Plaster Fun Time only the two of us. I made a cupcake and Sofie did a castle.
I think I'll give mine for Mirea on her birthday, which is january 1th.
Advent calendar

My little christmas tree that I bought at IKEA.

All the gifts in my home-made gift-calendar are under the tree now.
Arno saw it and said: "Is that what I think it is?"
I told him that it was gift to me from Sofie.
He looked at them and asked: "But why are some of the gifts named Arno and Mirea?"
"well, she wanted to give you some too."
Then he sat there for awhile and got a little bit sad that only number 9 and 13 were for him and Mirea.
Can't believe he actually believed us when we said that! So cute!
And speaking of presents. Arno got devastated in the car yesterday when he realised that he only had 2 days to get sofie a gift, since the family are going to andover this weekend. Sofie said: "oh, you don't have to give me one".
He replied: "You won't leave without one..."
Sofie got herself an admirer!

Yeah, we are really cool. I know.
We found Mirea's gloves with mustaches on!
UNO & Zinga

Emelie texted me and wondered if we had any plans for tonight.
We were going to UNO for dinner.

We ordered appetizer and all of us got full on that so we skipped the rest of the dinner.

Then, ofcourse, we went to Zinga for some frozen youghurt.

I had New York-cheesecake with cookiedough and caramel sauce - delicious!
Treat's Cupcakes

This one was mine.


The four of them!

......but we wish we did these instead....

Too cool for school?

Family odd?

Cupcake time!

We love it!

... and he loves it too!

Mirea, the photographer....

Circus with Arno

American breakfast at Cabot's

Natick Mall

We went to Ben & Jerry's for some smoothie.


Waban decorated with christmas wreaths!

I have always forgot to publish a picture of our postoffice.

We took the T into Boston and went to Pinkberry even though it was pretty cold. I had to show Sofie!

She loved it, how couldn't she?

The cashiers asked it we were sisters..... can't believe it! hehe

After some shopping (fun!!) it was time to eat.

They have the christmas lights up in Boston now!

I start to feel the christmas now. After thanksgiving it's official christmas here :)

As an desert this saturday night we went to Georgetown Cupcakes. But we were both full so we brought them with us home.

Boston Public Garden.

Frog Pound - they already started ice skating! We have to go there some time!

We took the T from Park Street home, and here I finally got my charliecard - soo happy! Now I don't have to go with a piece of paper anymore :)

Sofie wanted coffee to we went to Waban Starbucks, and brought the cupcakes with us.

It was so nice to just sit here and relax. We sat in an armchair and they played relaxing violin music. That's when I enjoy my life.

Too bad my Peanutbutter/fudge/chocolate-cupcake didn't want to co-operate with me... But it tasted good!

After a long day in city with a lot of walking and shopping we went home to light some candles and watch some episodes of Friends. That's what I call cozy!
Taco night

Later that night Emelie and Julia came over for a taco night.

So worth it. The ground beef was very spicy, but still. Tacos is Tacos!

Black Friday

The day after thanksgiving was Black Friday. That's the day when the stores open crazy early or have open the night long with sale, sale and even more sale. We planned to go somewhere just to see the crazy sale, but then we decided to go tomorrow (the sale is going on for the whole weekend). It the kind of sale were you can't expect to get anything since the stores are so crowded. Lori warned me about going out this day, but it would be fun to see all these crazy americans!
But.. instead we stayed home and I worked on the giftcalendar for my kids. I told you a couple of weeks ago that I bought a lot of little things that I will make a calendar of.


I made it to 15 today, but will have to go and buy/make some more things!

I printed some pictures at Walgreens and made two photoalbums for them. That will be the real christmas gift from me.
I didn't take any pictures when it was thanksgiving, but we had a good time.
We went to Julias house around 1.30 (it was so quiet outside - not a single car, it felt like Sävsjö again!) and her parents welcomed us. They are really nice, her mom is so cute!
They had some relatives there, grandma (so cool) and the swedish grandpa Bengt. Annikas sister and brother and some kids.
We ate some turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry (looked like lingonberry), beans, squash-mix. It was so great that it wasn't extreme - it was just a good dinner. Some people eat until they can't walk, but we had just the right amount. After that we went for a walk - just the girls (Annika, her sister & mother, Julia, Sofie and I). They are so relaxed and fun - the grandma was awesume!
When we got home the boys went out and we sat talking for awhile. Then it was time for desert. 3 different pies - pumpkin pie (not a hit), apple pie and pear pie (i don't like fruitpies a lot so I had a lot of ice cream!!).
It was really nice to see how they celebrated thanksgiving even though I don't think they did it in an extreme traditional way. It was chill with jokes and good food. I liked it.
After that we had to go home and give Vespa food (since I promised to take care of her while my family are in Washington D.C) and Julia came with us home to see a movie.
We all fell asleep pretty early - but it is so nice to sleep in front of the TV... haha.
I will put a password on my blog now!
The password is:
Användarnamn: lösenord
Lösenord: lösenord
Please keep this in mind!
Mr Cool

Yes, he's called Mr Cool...
NBA Celtics Basketballgame

After a lunch with Lori and the kids at Cabot's and Plaster Fun Time we got off this Wednesday (the kids had early release from school since it's thanksgiving). Me and Sofie bought basketball tickets for us and Julia that night, and went out for some good food before we went to TD Garden.

All I have to say - It's HUGE in here!!
Room for 18 000 people, but it wasn't completely full this evening.

It was really nice to see it live, it was better than expected - totally worth it!

Some girl sang a song before it started.


It was so fun to see on the big screen in the middle which fans that was nominated to the best ones. They taped the audience all the time in pauses and some of the people that were taped were so cool. They started to dance and got crazy! Some were really celtic-fans. One little girl had fallen asleep and she won the contest!
It was so cool to see the game live!
Plaster Fun Time

The kids have been waiting for Sofie to come so we can all go to Plaster Fun Time since I wanted to show her that.

Finally, here we are - making christmas-things.

Focused people!

Quincy Food

Already Christmas feeling around Quincy Market.

And the christmas tree was up!

We had asian food, which was oily but good!

Christmas feeling!

Baking and American Football

Arno wanted to bake peppermint cookies, so that's what we did.

It was yummi to eat the dough.

Then we went outside to play american football. Arno taught us the rules, or atleast some of it.

Here are our cookies. They tasted like flour and peppermint, but ok.

Yes, we are nuts. But, that's fun!

Cheesecake Factory

We went to Cheesecake Factory this Tuesday night.
Sofie took Mango Key Lime (our favorite) and I took Red Velvet-something that wasn't bad either.
We like it!

After that we went to Chestnut Hill AMC and saw Twilight - Breaking Dawn.
We have waited for it for sooo long, but we got kind of disappointed. I like happy endings and this end was just.. and end? I don't know so I imagine something else to make a happy end for myself...
Rox Diner

New York - Sunday

We took the free bus to the airport to get the train to New York from there.

A pretty cool bus.

Both inside and outside!

On the airport we went to the different terminals with an airtrain. It was like a merry-go-round!

We had our own compartment!

We were so high up! Then we took the train to NY.

We went to Chinatown where our bus-station was. Performance in a park.

We went to a chinese restaurant for some food before we left. I am not very good at eating with chopsticks, but here I had no choise. Duck/noodle that was more like a soup. It was okey, but could have been better.

Atleast we have eaten real chinese food now!

Here is Sofie on the bus home!
We were a little early and went to the station to ask if we could go with an earlier bus, and that was ok with them so we went home 1,5 h ealier than expected. It was nice to be in time and not too late. Not much traffic home either, so the trip was good!
New York was amazing, I love the city! We had a really good weekend :)
New York - Disney Store

State of Liberty - Minnie

Found two girls we didn't know if they wore costumes or real clothes...

New York - By Night

We saw a "grizzly bear"

The Ride, passed by. Like a choir or something?

A couple danced ballet on the street.

A christmas shop.

New York - Town

Hi, I would like to buy a camera? Which one?

Buy a pie depending on which mood you are in, a face on each!



In the big Hershey's store.

We went on a tourbus, so worth it!

Happy girl!

That girl too!

Disney figures were walking on the streets!

Ready for a tour!

Into the map!

Design your own M&M


Hard Rock Café


Madison Square Garden!

United States Post Office.


Cool mural!


They have one whole street with Macy's!



New York University

A cow that everyone wanted to touch, it gave luck or something?

This was our tourbus! We had to change for a blue one instead.

In some parts of NY they were still cleaning after Sandy!

Brooklyn Bridge.

Brooklyn Brigde.

Iceskating on Rockafeller. Julia and I will hopefully do that in december when we'll go here!

After the bus-tour we were both cold and hungry, felt good with a texas-bar/grill with heat and food!

I don't even know what he's called. I called him Katten Gustaf, but that was wrong. He was cool anyway!


He stood completely still until someone gave him money.

More cats!

Hi Elmo!

Public Library Of New York!

He walked up and down on the stairs on his hands!

Inside the library!

Inside the library!


Central Park.

Central Park.

We relaxed in Central Park for a moment.

New York - Hotel and Central Park

The feeling, when I finally saw her at the airport, was amazing! Long time no see - yes, that's true. Felt like I haven't seen her in forever...
Here are we eating bagels with cream cheese and candy as desert in the hotelroom the friday night in New Jersey!

I expected it to be expensive for nothing - I thought we would get a dirty room and uncomfortable beds, but this hotel was better than we could have imagined - fresh and neat. Everything was nice and luxury!

It didn't take long time before our bags were unpacked. Sofie had brought so much stuff to me - thankful for that. It was so nice to see some of my clothes and some presents that Mom sent with her. Thank you!

A cozy place to sit outside :)

Mr Muscle is getting tired and we had so much fun!

The big cold pool.

The small hot pool.
Here did we spend our Friday night, just relaxing, since we borth were tired after all traveling.

Like those in "The Parent Trap". So american!

We had our own Starbucks in the hotel entrance. How cool is that?

We took a cab from the hotel to Central Park.

"That cop can't feel very serious in that car!"
It had three wheels only.

It's pretty hard to realize how big Central Park is. It would take days to go through everything in detail!
Rox Diner

This Tuesday I went to Rox Diner for a pancake breakfast with Alina!
A really nice girl I hope I will see again. She is from Germany, but loved Sweden. We sat for hours and talked about Astrid Lindgren and lots of other things. I promised her to check where in Germany I have been (I have no idea?!) I told her I have been on autobahn - cause that's the only thing I am totally sure of!

Blueberry pecan mascarpone pancakes - yummie!!
Today Arno and I had a pretty good day together.
He gets off early from school every tuesday and directly after lunch we drove to pottery in Newtonville. I went groceryshopping on Whole Foods in Newtonville (the big one) and picked him up again.
While we were driving home he asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up and I answered "something with interior design or a café". Then he said: "Oh, if you wanna work at a café they have a really good one in Natick Mall. You could work there..!"
Yeah, some of us think I will stay in the US for the rest of my life :) So cute!
Later on we started to talk about kids. Arno doesn't want any kids when he gets older - they are expensive. You have to buy them clothes and food... and allowance every week. And he plan to buy a minicooper, and they are so tiny that kids wouldn't fit. But he probably wants a wife (not a whiny one) because otherwise his career as an artist wouldn't be as he wants. He don't want to be a lonely artist that only draws sad paintings etc.
When we got home we had some snack and then the idea came up to go to Michael's and see if they were open yet. They had not, but we went to Marshalls and bought a snowman instead. Arno named him Justin after his friend and was so happy about him! In the car he said: "I can't wait for thanksgiving. I hope it will be fun, but I am not sure.."
I said: "It seems like a lot of fun, why wouldn't it be?"
He said: "I'd rather spend it with you"
When your kid says something like that - that's what makes this trip to one of the best things in your life!
We decided that we are going to make our own thanksgiving - so we can celebrate it together. We talked about making cardboard tables and plates and much more.
And when we got home and I parked the car on the street I said: "Here we are, home again. Maybe Lori and Mirea are home too now."
He answered: "Yeah... I kind of wish they weren't"
Me: "Why?"
He:"Cause that will give me more time with you"
Adorable? Yes.
Outdoor Fun

We found a rake and made an even bigger leafpile than the last time!


Arno acted grumpy and didn't want to be a moose anymore.

Love. His. Laugh.

Sweet Tarts
As another award for the day, after Arno's playdate, we went to Sweet Tarts for some frozen yoghurt.

It was so crowded both inside and outside the ice cream bar, so we sat on a bench outside a hamburgerbar instead.

"Give me a smile!". Mirea was soooo totally aware of me taking pictures and she always smile afterwards.
Atleast Arno got me!
Arts and crafts
The kids had the day off school this Monday since it was veterans day (don't even know what that is).
They had earned some awards so we decided to do some arts and crafts.

Here is my leaf wolf.

Mirea is glueing hers and Arno is grumpy because we used his gluegun (which he totally allowed us too, but he just needed something to be mad about).

The wolf-family.
They are so cute and I'm glad that Lori got so happily surprised - she totally adored them and asked where I got all my ideas from. That make me happy!

Arno went to a playdate and Mirea and I continued with award since she had another 5 to get. (She is so good at this and does so many things without complaining!)

We made turles of caps and pipe cleaners!
Soon we are going to make spiders too!

She brought her whole paint-box down from her room.

Two turtles!

And we made baby-turtles of the little caps. So cute!


This sunday we went to IKEA - god, I love it! What would the world be without IKEA?

Swedish meatballs in the restaurant - you just have to!

Then we went to some other stores around, Michael's art & craft-store (even more love than IKEA).
Here you could find everything (EVERYTHING) that I like! Scrapbooking and craft-things!

The best part is that I think they are about to open one more store in Newton Upperfalls which means that I can go there whenever I want to!!

We went to Christmas Tree shop!

And I have decided to do a gift-calendar for the kids - here are some things I bought!
This is going to be awesume - I have so many ideas for them!

And these are the things I bought at IKEA for myself. Yes, almost interior design only. But I love it!

I bought this flower to have in my bathroom. Beautiful!
Shear Madness

We walked around a little in Boston, the weather was really nice - sunny and not to cold.
But since we went in to town about 1.30pm and the theatre didn't start until 9pm we had some more time.
So we went to the Movies. The big, three floor MovieTheatre called Loews (this picutre under here was an old one I had). The film was called Flight. Neither Julia and I had heard of it before but we thought it could be fun.
It wasn't bad, but I didn't really like it either. It kept going for almost 2h (not commercial included which is usually 30 minutes), but it was okey. After that we had about one and a half hour until we were supposed to get our tickets to the theatre. We went to Panera Bread for some dinner. First we planned Thai, but since the film was so long we figured we wouldn't have time. I had a House-smoked turkey-panini (with mustard which they didn't tell - I think I had a "bajsmacka"!)

As I said, we walked around (got my exercise for the day!)

And we got closer!

This is something you have to do when you are in Boston according to some people.
We plan to do that next week or the week after that, how does that sound, Sofie?

Inside the playhouse - all the actors!

The scene (you weren't allowed to take pictures here either).
The room was really small, very cozy with a bar and everything except the scene in red.

We had the best seats in the whole room!

They guy in pink was awesume - soooo funny!! This was so worth it, he did the whole thing!

And the old lady too - I love old ladies! The play was just great (y)
It was about a hairsalon and a murder - suddenly one of the actors started to ask us (the audience) questions who we thought it was and so they kept going from half of the play to almost the end.
Both Julia and I was surprised that people from the audience raised their hands and wanted to help them to find the murderer. It was crazy! Then we had to vote who we thought it was.
But it was awesume, it's a theatre I maybe would go to one more time because it was so fun!

Picture to my dad, what about this one?

When we were on our way to the T-station we heard some noises - suddenly a parade of indiens showed up, dressed like something that looked like parrots.

It was cool to see even though we didn't know what they did..
This was just an awesume day!!
South Station

We also went to South Station to find the bus-departues when we're going to New York.
A pretty big terminal with lots of trains and buses. But it was easy to find and I think Lucky Star is on the same place all the time - number 24 (that would make it a lot easier). You also olny had to change once for the red line with the T - so that was easy too.

China Town

Saturday afternoon we went to China Town to see what it looked like :)
Here was windows to a shop or a restaurant with these fishes etc. Disgusting if you ask me!
Didn't make me like China more...

Yeah, as you can see - everything was China, even big flowerpots!


Here is a house on the street next to ours. They are doing some consturction and moved their garage.
I walk here every day when I drop Arno off, so I can see what they do from day to day - interesting!

This Friday night Lori and Charlie went out for dinner so I worked that night.
Mirea went to a sleepover with her friends so Arno and I decided to have our own party at home in our pyjamases. Since Arno had earned an award we had a movienight too, we watched Winnie the Pooh, had Mac'n'cheese (pasta with kind of a cheese-sauce) and made smoothie.

I didn't know how their mixer worked but Arno showed me (even though he didn't know either, but we figured it our after awhile). We mixed frozen blueberries, raspberries and peach-mango juice.

He is enterprising!

Then we filled boat-ice cubes with it.

Arno liked it so badly, he licked of the spoon all the time!
Cheesecake Factory
This thursday I got off early - already at 4.30. Julia, Emelie and I went to Cheesecake Factory. Julias friend Patricia did also plan to come, but she never showed up.

Emelie ordered nachos. What a plate!

I had already eaten at home so I ordered a pineapple cheesecake!

Julia ordered raspberry lime.

We love this place!

And we also went to Potterybarn, next to Cheesecake. I really like this store, it's too bad it's so expensive!

Yeah, blueberries are yummie! Especially when you eat them with your hands and get blue all over your face!

Arno is making a cat and Mirea a pair of fingerless gloves.
My kids really do like craft-things!

10 Weeks Summary
This might take awhile to write, but I decided to summarize my 10 weeks here in the United States!
First of all: I didn't expect my kids to be so wellbehavied and polite as they are. I was kind of prepared for a struggle, for fighting children with lots of issues. I'm so thankful for my kids, after all - the kids are your job and it's important to get along with them and I totally love them. I would never ever want any other children! Like today: it was freezing cold and snowing outside. Mirea and I went to Starbucks to get her some hot chocolate and when we sat in the car she asked me if I was cold. I said yes and she told me to take a sip of her hot chocolate to get nice and warm again. So friendly and caring! And Arno yesterday: I went upstairs with him when it was time for his shower in the evening before bedtime. After a while he started to make fog on the shower enclosure. He drawed a heart and an arrow to me. Then he wrote I love you. He is awesume - both of them are!
Lori and Charlie are also really good people. I'm glad that I have them as my hostparents - this whole family is great. I could wish that we communicated more (we do not have weekly meetings as they said, cause they seem to be happy about everything). What I hadn't expected was their strict rules about table manners and so on. Fabric napkins every dinner (in your lap), no elbows on the table, no speaking with food in your mouth (this rule totally make sense to me, but I still think they are a little bit to strict), no leaving the table while eating, sit properly on your chair etc. When I wrote it here it suddenly looked different compared to the reality. My point here was that I think it might be a little bit to strict. But otherwise the kids wouldn't be so well behavied so I get it.
I start to like my room here (it will never be like mine at home, but still) I've make it more Victoria now and it feels good to wake up here every day. My bed here is definitely more comfortable here than home!! I sleep like a princess every night. I have just put up my picturewall too - I'm so happy about it! The one thing I can complain about my room is that the roof is so thin - I hear everything that's going on upstairs and they probably hear me too. Usually I don't do very loud things but I hate to be aware that they can hear me whatever I do. I don't like that I have to be quiet.
My bathroom is great - I love to have my own bathroom! But it's audible too - and I still haven't got used to the fact that it's almost 75 percent water in the toilet compared to about 25 percent in Sweden (and that's just in my toilet in this house!). I hope I will look back here and laugh some day...
Some other differenses: They always have cheese on their pasta, we always eat two pieces of bread together (a sandwich) not just one piece like we do at home. They always have lunchbags for school, they get off school/jobs if there's too much snow. I could sit here and write the whole night, but I don't have energy for that. Measurements, temperature and so on are different. So far I haven't learned so much of it, but I guess I will.
I think I've learned some english, but I still feel like a beginner. I know I'm learning all the time, but sometimes it feels so far away... Sometimes the kids think I'm stupied, like I don't get anything at all - I would really like to show them my homecountry and the world I am from. Because they seem to think that their world is everything that exists. And I don't blame them, but sometimes I get tired of doing everything their way just because they think that's the only right way. But, this is level 7 - I love my family and I love the USA.
I don't know how much I've gained so far, but we'll see later on. I do workouts several times a week (exept last week when I had a cold). There's much junkfood here, but my family are still kind of healty so I hope that'll help me cause I don't whant to come home fat ;)
About myself: This is a journey of my life. So far I can say that it have been worth it. It has opened my eyes so much, I see life in a different way - I appreciate life in a different way! Before I left I started to see everything as if I saw it for the last time of my life, that's interesting. And I have done so much fun stuff here, more than I would have done in 6 months at home probably, I've met so many new people and learned how simple life can be if you only let it. If you want to do something - just do it. Life is too short to be shy and scared!
I have developed so much as a person so far, I can say right now that this decision to go here was one of the best decisions of my life. I've discovered so many nice places and things. It feels good to know that the world have so much more to give!
Ofcourse Sävsjö and you people pops up in my head sometimes, I have to remind myself that a year is a short time of my life and that everything will stay as it is. I have thought of elljusspåret, källeryd, badhuset, biblioteket etc. Wierd things I didn't think I would miss. And I can't really say that I miss it either - I have just thought about it.. I'm glad I haven't been homesick yet. CC say that the homesickness usually starts between the second and the fourth month. But so far I just feel that I miss something for a while and then the thought dissappears. I think the worst part is that I can not get it. That it is impossible for now and some months further on. Please you guys, don't say that you miss me - the day when I'm really homesick I will take it very serious and maybe want to go home. You don't want to ruin my year!
Sooo... with these words I just wanted to say: I am happy with my life here and I am thankful for that!
Talk to you later!
Pile of leaves

Yesterday we went outside to make a giant leafpile! (Lucky us, since it's snowing today!)

Arno's strategi was to fill the bags with leaves (it took a really long time).

I chosed the wheelbarrow instead - they don't have rakes that works...

The best part was to jump in it!

Then I buried him!

It was really cold but we had a good time!
John Harvard's
This sunday I had the kids while Lori and Charlie went out for a birthdaylunch.
At 1.30 I had this Safety meeting with my LCC and I came about 1 hour too late since they were out. Luckily Lori had talked to Ryan so he knew about it, but it was at Boston College (which is like a whole big town!!) and it was so hard to find where the meeting was. So I was still a little late even though he knew I was late, he didn't know I was going to be that late! However, the meeting was just about fire, drugs etc, boring stuff that I was glad that I missed. But it was kind of embarrassing when everybody in the classroom looked at me when I came in.. I hate things like that.. Well, now my meeting for this month is over!! And Ryan was the only one with two safetymeetings in one, so many other aupairs have to go to two different.

This is the email from Ryan. With directions (not helpful at all).

Boston College (with ALL their buildings).

That afternoon/evening Julia and I went into Harvard. Here is a whole store with Curious George (Nicke Nyfiken), and this is the only store in the world of it's kind.

I wanted to go in there, but it was closed. Another time.

We walked around, looking for a good restaurant Julias mom tipsed us about.

I can't wait until I eat Ben & Jerry's on a real ice cream-bar. It was too cold this night though.

Here was the restaurant! John Harvard's.

Meatloaf with whipped potatoes and onionrings. Love!

"I want real food.."
After awhile - "Let's order a real hamburger with fries!"
Now that is what I call real food?

Then we walked around in different stores. Ain't she cute?

Bought cupcakes at Sweets and ate them with salted caramel hot chocolate on starbucks.
We sat upstairs with a nice view of town.

We both agreed that the cupcake was tooo sweet. It only tasted sugar. No more Sweets for us!

We sat here for a long time, their chairs were really comfortable and we were just chatting.
I said that I hadn't laughed until I cried for awhile. Julia said she hadn't either. I said that was sad.
I mean, we laugh, but you know - that special laugh when you can't stop..
As soon as we got on the train home we experienced that!

I guess we were tired, but it was so much fun! We wondered why he had this whole trashcan with him and why he had cut a backpack to get room for his guitar, didn't he realise that the bag was too small?

But his hat was the most funny part. We really couldn't stop!!!!
Joshua Radin Concert

This saturdaynight Julia and I talked about doing something. But we didn't know what. Then I found tickets to a concert - Joshua Radin, who I've listened to very much when I wrote my first book.
We went in to town pretty early since Julia wanted to go shopping and we went to Au Bon for some dinner.
I had tomatosoup with lemonade and a cupcake as desert - yummie!

Nightlight Boston, even though it wasn't even 7 o'clock here.

Orpheum Theatre!

A nice church.

You can totally say "theatre". Soo cool - an old Real theatre.

The balconys on the sides.

Here you can look down on the seats.

The stage from the balcony in the middle. One of the staff-people showed us where to take some good pictures before it started. He was really nice!


Extremely ugly picture, but who cares?

I uploaded small pictures since the quality was really bad (you weren't allowed to take pictures so I had to hide my camera, and I also tooke these pictures with the small camera...)

This was Sara Jarosz

Some pictures of A Fine Fenzy, who was kid of a mix between Laleh, Regina Spektor & Amanda Fondell.
We didn't like her live though, since her dance was kind of wierd and she was "smörig".

Finally, after 2h of the girls playing, he showed up - Joshua Radin!

The night was totally amazing, awesume, great, wonderful - worth it!!

This wall in my room is not exactly glamorous. Why not put pictures all over it? YES!

(Got a little help ofcourse!)

252 pictures ordered from Wallgreens, about $40.

Someone thought this was a really good idea. "I can help you more!"
Thank you, that's so nice of you. (but no thanks, this is the most fun part and I want to do it by myself)

Getting started.

I love it! I really do, totally worth the money to be able to see all the people I care about and what kind of experiences I've done. Happy girl here!
Award: Treasure hunt!
Today the kids had earned an award, both of them had done 10 things. (I told Arno that he deserved 5 points for his swimmingclasses since he totally hates it, but he thought that was unfair for Mirea. Then we all together decided that he would get 3 points instead. They really are like two small grownups!)
First we didn't know what our next award would be. Since the kids had so much halloween-candy we decided that something sweet was better for another week. Arno was in a mood for picnic somewhere inside the house, but Mirea was not. Mirea was in a mood for arts and crafts but Arno was not.
Then why not make a treasure hunt for each other?!
Mirea did one for Arno, Arno did one for me and I did one for Mirea. Off we went!

Mirea stole many of my ideas (like have a note in the refridgerator etc), but I'm glad they like my ideas!

"ha, tricked you!! go look by the computer"

I put one of my note inside a pumpkin! haha!

So the award at the end of the treasure hunt was candy.
Mirea gave one piece of her candy to Arno but when it came to what I could give I had no candy so Mirea decided that I would take one from Arno's candy and Arno didn't have to give anything to me. As an adult in this game I had to say yes (even though I really wanted candy). But when I finally found my award there were three pieces of candy that Arno had put there for me even though he didn't have to! He is so friendly!
I gave the kids one each and then ate the last one. We had so much fun!
Mr Runner

"Take a picture of me when I run!!"
Okey, just because you are so cute!
Julia's neighbour

This is what Julia's neighbours have in their yard! Happy halloween?
This Thursday was a really stressful day. Lori signed Arno up for swimmingclasses at YMCA and the only classes they had were at Mondays or Thursdays on really bad times. Luckily this week Arno had early release from school so we made it in time but for the next weeks I will pick Arno up at 3, then go to Mirea's school to pick her up (she also get off school at 3 and it takes about 15-20 minutes to get there depending on the traffic) then we'll go to YMCA, that lies on one side on Newton, for Arno's swimming that starts 3.40 and then I'll drop Mirea off at her dance, that lies on the other side of Newton, that starts at 4.30. I will have to drop her off really early since I got to drive back really fast since Arno's swimmingclass ends at 4.20. Yes, a stressful day for me. Lori said we would give it a shot and then we'll see, but so far - hmmm....?

(Yes, I took a picture of myself in the dressingroom at YMCA while Arno took a shower behind me!)
Arno really hates swimming and I totally understand him. I hated it too!
It was kind of wierd, they had dressingrooms like handicap-toilet-sizes with maybe four or six lockers in them (that nobody uses). I brought Arno's clothes and stuff with me since they never keep it in the lockers because then you'll have to wait for that room where you put it. So stupied!
Trick or Treat

Arno in his halloween costume as Sherlock Holmes. He didn't bring his magnifying-glass or his pipe, and later he put his mustache on too.

The candy Lori had prepared in two big bowls to give to the children who knocked on the door.

Lori's friend Michelle and her family visited us. Here is her cute kid Sasha, dressed as Kung Fu Panda.
Arno as Sherlock Holmes and Mirea as some kind of special witch that I never understood.

Arno put his mustache on, Sashas little sister were supposed to join the picture (dressed as a cow) but she started to cry so the dad got to hold her.

I love how Arno is the only one who is actually posing to the camera. No matter what the others do.

He was so cute!

... and he's so cool.
Awhile after the picture-taking Arno and I went to go trick or treating. Mirea went with her friends.
I forgot my camera (stupied me!!) but Arno said it would have been embarrassing if I were taking pictures all the time anyway, I guess he was right. Off we went, from house to house to ring on their doorbell and say: trick or treat, thank you for the candy, happy halloween, bye!
It was kind of hard for me since Arno was pretty shy and I didn't know excactly how everything worked (after all, I've never gone trick or treating). but after awhile I almost helped him to say trick or treat, thank you and happy halloween..
Later his friend Justin joined us with his dad and little brother. That was kind of boring to me, but I guess they had some fun. We were out for almost 3 hours and it was pretty cold but then they finally decided to go home.
Arno was so happy for all his candy - almost a whole bag full of it! The kids were allowed to have unlimited candy for that night and then two pieces each day for the rest of the week. Then Mirea said that Lori would through the rest away but that seems like a waste to me!
As soon as we came back I went right back out again - needed to take some pictures. I'd seen so much fun stuff that I wanted to take pictures of. Unfortunately for me it was late and I saw people blow out their lights in their pumpkins etc. But atleast I got some pictures.

I tried to get the moon and the perfect halloween-weather on this picture.

Some houses were CRAZY-decorated. Bad picture but it shows how uplightes it was. They had fogmachines, screaming sounds and ghosts flying over their yard. Lights in every window. Crazy!

The same house but with flashlight.

I bet it's hard to see, but it's just halloween decoration.

This is the house with the mummie, skeleton and the bat (to the right, next to the front door).


This house was totally uplighted and decorated.

They had put light all the stairway up to the house. The lights were ghosts and bats etc.

As I said, most of them had blown out their pumpkins or turned the lights off and when I went by myself I didn't go very close so I didn't take any pictures of the cool different carings on the pumpkins that I saw. Some of them were amazing! Cats, bats, witches, faces and so much more - really cool and the jobs were so well done!
When I came back to the house Arno came to me and said: "Look, I saved a swedish fish for you!"
Isn't he just awesume?
Halloween Cards

Here's Arno and Mirea's halloween-card that they made. I guess Lori and Charlie got both of them so they got mine too.
Pumpkin carving

The kids had carved their pumpkins this Tuesday, when I was in Kenmore for dinner. I was kind of sad that I missed it, but it turned out that Arno wasn't completely done with his so I got to see a little bit of it anyway!

Yup, the counter is a good way to sit on when you're carving!

Arno's pumpkin! And Mirea in the background, making a witch-hat.

All of their pumpkins on the stairs outside the frontdoor!
Notice that one of the small pumkpins has a hat that Arno knitted for it and that the other one has o bow tie that he made of tejp - he's so creative!

Since I didn't bring my camera when we were here with the kids Julia and I went there by ourselves.


Me, Julia, Sandra, Sofia and Ebba planned a lunchdate this Wednesday. Sofia had to work but the rest of the girls showed up. We went to California Kitchen for some pizza. I had Thai Chicken. The good thing about american pizza is that I don't thinks it's really as bad as swedish pizzas are. In Sweden it is more like fast food, but here they have more vegetables and it's more "food-like".

Sandra and Ebba.

Julia, Sandra and Ebba.