Trick or Treat

Arno in his halloween costume as Sherlock Holmes. He didn't bring his magnifying-glass or his pipe, and later he put his mustache on too.

The candy Lori had prepared in two big bowls to give to the children who knocked on the door.

Lori's friend Michelle and her family visited us. Here is her cute kid Sasha, dressed as Kung Fu Panda.
Arno as Sherlock Holmes and Mirea as some kind of special witch that I never understood.

Arno put his mustache on, Sashas little sister were supposed to join the picture (dressed as a cow) but she started to cry so the dad got to hold her.

I love how Arno is the only one who is actually posing to the camera. No matter what the others do.

He was so cute!

... and he's so cool.
Awhile after the picture-taking Arno and I went to go trick or treating. Mirea went with her friends.
I forgot my camera (stupied me!!) but Arno said it would have been embarrassing if I were taking pictures all the time anyway, I guess he was right. Off we went, from house to house to ring on their doorbell and say: trick or treat, thank you for the candy, happy halloween, bye!
It was kind of hard for me since Arno was pretty shy and I didn't know excactly how everything worked (after all, I've never gone trick or treating). but after awhile I almost helped him to say trick or treat, thank you and happy halloween..
Later his friend Justin joined us with his dad and little brother. That was kind of boring to me, but I guess they had some fun. We were out for almost 3 hours and it was pretty cold but then they finally decided to go home.
Arno was so happy for all his candy - almost a whole bag full of it! The kids were allowed to have unlimited candy for that night and then two pieces each day for the rest of the week. Then Mirea said that Lori would through the rest away but that seems like a waste to me!
As soon as we came back I went right back out again - needed to take some pictures. I'd seen so much fun stuff that I wanted to take pictures of. Unfortunately for me it was late and I saw people blow out their lights in their pumpkins etc. But atleast I got some pictures.

I tried to get the moon and the perfect halloween-weather on this picture.

Some houses were CRAZY-decorated. Bad picture but it shows how uplightes it was. They had fogmachines, screaming sounds and ghosts flying over their yard. Lights in every window. Crazy!

The same house but with flashlight.

I bet it's hard to see, but it's just halloween decoration.

This is the house with the mummie, skeleton and the bat (to the right, next to the front door).


This house was totally uplighted and decorated.

They had put light all the stairway up to the house. The lights were ghosts and bats etc.

As I said, most of them had blown out their pumpkins or turned the lights off and when I went by myself I didn't go very close so I didn't take any pictures of the cool different carings on the pumpkins that I saw. Some of them were amazing! Cats, bats, witches, faces and so much more - really cool and the jobs were so well done!
When I came back to the house Arno came to me and said: "Look, I saved a swedish fish for you!"
Isn't he just awesume?