Award Boards
Arno liked my new stamps!
Look, what Mirea did while I cooked dinner! So creative! She wrote "Awards Board" in the leafs.
(She skipped dance today, and I think that was my fault, cause she thought this would be more fun)
And Arno cut out letters in paper.
The basement is now full of things, but I'm glad they like my ideas!
I was going to make one too, but I had text Julia to ask her if she wanted to go out for a walk.
When we sat at the dinnertable they asked me if I was comming down with them to the basement and I said that I was going out for a walk. Arno asked if he could come too - so cute. I told him that I was going with Julia and said that he could come too if he wanted, and he wanted that.
So out we went! Me, Julia and Arno - walked around talking about how our days were. Julia seems to have a rough time with her kids and I feel sorry for her. Because today I had a really good day with mine!
Arno told Julia everything we'd done. He's not shy at all!
Earlier this day, when Lori got home, Arno asked me if I was still on duty. "Yes, why?" I asked.
"Great, then we can work on our awardsystems with you in the basement!".
He always says cute things like that, and yesterday he called for me and said he needed to kiss me!
Later, also this day, I talked a little about how I was going to make my own award board. I wanted to make smiley faces when I had done something good. Then Arno came with this brilliant idea to place a piece of lined paper from a speical notepad and write the things down from week to week. I was so proud of him and told him several times, I could see how proud he was of himself! Days like this are awesume!