Honeymoonstage is over and I have kind of gotten used to everything here, I feel so bad that I don't take as much pictures of everything anymore. Well, before, during my first weeks here I kind of had my camera in my hand all the time but now.. yeah, you get it. It's heavy and I usually forget to take pictures. Like when we were at Starbucks saying goodbye to Ellen who's moving to Chicago I totally forgot to take some pictures (I had fever then so that might also be an answer to why). And this friday I met Ebba again. My camera was out of battery when Julia and I ate the cupcakes that Lori bought for us (did I tell you that Lori came home with cupcakes and said that there were two more for me and Julia?!). I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the things I bought in Boston when I bought my wintershoes. I did not take pictures when we bought pumpkins today and not when we ate out on a chineese restaurant. And, I didn't even take pictures at the party in Boston on harvard square(!).
I will try to get better on photographing, even though I won't take pics of just regular things. But I think it's fun to look at after awhile, so for now - enjoy what I have :)