First dutyday
This is my real first day of duty. Well, yesterday Lori and Charlie was away and i had to watch Arno, but that wasn't much of duty, we played monopoly..
So today I got up at 7 am, walked Arno to school - he showed me around and said hi to all his old teachers and the new ones. He's been talking about wearing a bow tie on the first day, so a fex days ago we went (maybe on my first day here) to wellesley to buy one. Arno is extremely accurate, so we were there for a very long time, but at last he picked one - a green one with designed leafs on it. It was a little bit funny because we were at a real design shop with armani etc, and i think it's great that Lori takes him so seriously. He is like a little adult. He is so smart and he knows what he wants. Anyway, he got his bow tie and gets so happy everytime he get comments for it.
This is Arno at his first day of third grade:

This is a very exited dude!
I didn't get his shoes in the picture, but these are his skatingshoes he is very happy about.
Lori had fixed his hair but then he began to shake his head and Mirea said: "Arno, why are you doing that, mom fixed that for like half an hour".
The answer was: " well, if i have both the bow tie and fixed hair it looks too proper. And that doesn't match my shoes..." He is so cool!
It was a little bit strange to see Lori and Charlie in their workingclothes - all this time i've been here they've had soft clothes like t-shirts and shoes like flipflops, but now Charlie was dressed up and Lori had heelshoes. I didn't think they were going to look like that, a little wierd and new to me.
well, now the cleaninglady is here.. talk to you later