Nothing special
Today I went to Whole Foods - the foodstore with the car. I'm trying to find to all the places on my own, and it's easier to do it when you have time etc. The car is pretty easy to drive after a while, i haven't hit anyone yet atleast.. Even though it's very big!
I bought some shampoo and stuff, also popcorn for tonight!! Well, wether Julia or Emelie could join me in my movienight, but actually i think i will have it by myself anyway. The family are going to the other house and will be back at saturday evening/sunday morning i think. It will be good to have a little time alone.
Here is a picture for Ida O:

Almost the same as what Sockerklaras have. I decided to try green apple..
Now I have had italian meatballs with turkey in it and a fullcorn (?) tortilla bread. It's really good that i can decide everything i want to eat when i'm alone (and otherwise too). I'm free to take whatever I want, and buy whatever I want outside the list. I really like it here :)