Plaster Fun Time

The kids got SO EXCITED when I asked if they wanted to go to Plaster Fun Time!

Totally focused. Arno painted a dog and Mirea a fat zebra.

I did a magnet with Noah's ark.

There were kids screaming and whining in the room and Arno, who really think he's a professional artist, kept saying: "an artist need peace and quiet, why can't they just shut up?"

Here are things you can choose to paint. You just grabbed one, paid for it and then got your colors. (there were SO MANY different things to choose between!!)

Here are the really big ones. Doesn't look like it since you have nothing to compare with, but the converse-shoe was giant!

She is sooo lovely!

Mireas zebra!

Noah's ark.

Then Julia showed upp with her kids Anders and Linnea - so cute!!

When you were done paiting you got to choose surface and I took shiny.

Seriously, I would love to have this castle as my next project. I hope it's not too expensive!

When we got home Arno made a hat and a bow tie for his dog!