Georgia - Atlanta day 5

This morning we went to Corner Bakery Café for some breakfast. Today was my birthday!

Fresh berry/yogurt parfait with orange juice and an apple.

I got a cinnamon roll and reese's as a gift from Terese too, so cute!

There were so many cops in here, we tried to take some pictures of them.

..but we didn't want them to see it..! haha!

Olympic City Park.

It was supposed to be fountain rings on the ground, but they were under construction. And it was supposed to very beutiful at night, but our flight took off before it got dark.

Philips arena.

Georgia Dome.

It was so nice so see some flowers on this trip. Fresh grass and green trees!

The Shakespear Theatre!

Bank of America Plaza, looked almost as Empire but older and more brown.

Fox theatre!

It was (an early) dinner-time and I chosed between Hard Rock Café and Max Lanner's, but the last one was further away, so we went to Hard Rock.

The blurred person to the right was a superhandsome guy with dredlocks that worked there (!).

Hah, fancy birthday dinner? No, but it was good.

I didn't mean to look like a sad dog, but we were soooo tired by this time!

Yeah, this was our trip - we had an awesume time!!
Lousiana - New Orleans day 4
We arrived to Lousiana at 6am in the morning. We found a mall pretty close with a starbucks where sat for awhile and waited and had breakfast. It was still pretty cold outside.

Here is the first streetcar we saw at Canalstreet.

I think it reminds about how I imagine Los Angeles will be.

A cool car.

We went to the French Quarters.

A museum/information backyard.

Some information.

Like the one in Forrest Gump!

I wanted to go with this boat so badly, but it was closed that day.. It would have been cool with a tour at Mississippi river!

It was sunny outside bu very windy so we kept pretty much all of our clothes on.

We passed this restaurant and I thought it looked cozy. Later we ended up there.

St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square.

Just like in a fairytale.

New Orleans is famous for their masks and they had had a parade or something a week before we came there. They decorate stuff outside, like balconys and trees etc.

A sooooo cozy french café. We ended up here too later.

Here I bought New Orleans famous pralines and a little thing that looked like meringue with a nut on it.

Streetcar among Canal street.

After awhile we deciced to go to the city park so we went with one of the streetcars.

The City Park.

It's so much bigger than you could imagine so we just walked around one edge.

New Orleans Museum.

Here is the candy I bought!

It looks so warm, but it was actually really cold because of the wind.

So many musicians on the streets, it was so fun to see!

Another backyard.

Here we had lunch at the cozy french restaurant.

Terese had New Orleans speciality - Beignets.
I didn't really get the point with them. It's like a toast with powdered sugar.. But it was great to try!

The both had a cat and plenty of little birds in the café.

Then we went to Lafayette park.

Here we must have seen someone famous!

A miniature of a streetcar.

We went to a WW2 museum. Here was the history of american football.

They showed a 15-20 minute long movie. Terese and I were so tired so watched it for four times. It was so nice just to sit down after all the walking.

There are soldiers in front of the flag.

Julia was with us all the time.

On the other side of that famous people there were still cars adn paparazzi. I wonder what happend.

Casino next to the mall/our busstop. But we never went inside, you have to be 21...

The fancy mall. We actually went up to the 11th floor later that night (to brush our teeth at that restroom), in those glass elevators - so cool!!

Later that night we went to the restaurant for some Po-boy sandwishes Lori told me about.

I had one with shrimps and Terese with grilled chicken. This was not my favorite, it was just bread with some fried shrimps and some vegetables and mayo-sauce. But now I have tried it.

The restaurant was so cozy from the outside. I think it would be nice to sit out here a hot summerday.
Texas - Houston day 3

This was the third morning. This was the little kitchen at the hotel. Stuff everywhere and it's hard to decide if it's trashy or charming.

They had a map with nametags from where their guests lived. Cool.

We went back to the little park with George Bush to enjoy the sun.

The owner of the hostel recommended this restaurant's pancakes so we went there for brunch.

A superfresh place!

We ordered blueberry and red velvet pancakes with a fruit bowl.

We wanted to sit outside but it was full all the time.

Oh my, this was so delicious!!

I think I said "i love my life" about ten times during this brunch.

A real cowboy in the car!

The owner of the Hostel, who's name is Leah by the way, told us we could get a free view of Houston if we went to a building. It was an office and not any tourists so it was great!

Then we went to an outside mall!

Toyota Center from a distance.

A bought a new blouse with flowers, but here I look more like a grandma than myself.
But I like the blouse.

Wortham fountain again.

Here had an accident just happend.


We had a few hours to kill at night before the bus to New Orleans went so when we passed a cinema we found a movie with Jude Law and Channing Tatum - what can go wrong?!
Side Effects was the movies name and I can say that it wasn't that good, but anyway, it was fun.

It was a really cozy movitheatre.

Fresh and Texas-like with wooden walls and leather furniture.

The commercial couldn't be more right!!!

After that we walked to the hostel to pick up our stuff that Leah said we could have in the safe for how long we wanted (that was so helpful!!). Then we went to a typical texas restaurant outside the town that Leah recommended. It was organic and local stuff and it felt great to get a new chance to eat real texasfood.
I had ribs, french toast and fries with bbq sauce and pickles. It was HOT but good!

Terese took a hamburger with chips.

As dessert we tried another typical southstate-thing. Breadpudding! It was really good!
Bread with vanilla ice cream and some raspberries.

This was the restaurant.

After that it was about 10pm and our bus took off at 11.59pm. We brushed our teeth at a public restroom at the outside mall and then went to the bus-place to wait. We were first in line ofcourse.

... so we sat in the front of the bus with a great view! It felt like we were in a movie. It was too bad it was a nightbus though...

On our way to Lousiana. The bus was soo cold and it was really uncomfortable so we promised never do that again.. Too bad we had another nightbus the comming night (but that one was so much better!).
Texas - Dallas day 2
Started our morning with breakfast on bed.

Lots of fruit, some baguettes, yogurts and crackers. Needed a good base for this 4 hour-long busride.

My debut to go double deck!!


It was hot, so we went to Chill for some frozen yoghurt and smoothie.

Klyde Warren Park.

Two persons with cowboyhats.. I thought more people would walk around with that but no.

A christian tower you could go inside to pray.

Beautiful buildings but I have to say that Dallas was no favorite..

Like the one in Paris? hahah.

I wonder if they recordered a lot of movies here? I'll google it later!

This store was the best thing about the Dallas-trip!

I bought a postcard and a magnet - happy girl!

Our goal here was to eat in a real steakhouse, and so we did!

It was kind of dissapoiting though. The waitress recommended mac'n'cheese to the steak when I asked her so then I had to take that so I wouldn't be rude. That wasn't very good, but whatever..

Terese's food looked better to me.

Terese wanted to see cactuses, and finally on our way back to the bus we did!

You can't see it very well, but Terese is to the left, me next to her and my twin next to the crossbar..
We had to wait here for a long time so we were kind of bored as you may see.
Dallas was fun, but I don't think I will go back there. It wasn't my favorite and I don't know why. It was great with the busride there though cause you could see the real Texas with farmers and so on. So I am still glad we went there and the cowboyboots and hats was a big deal too, wouldn't want to miss that for anything!
Texas - Houston day 1

At the Logan airport in Boston.

Zlatan was on TV on the plane.

Wehello Houston!! At Hobby airport.

We slept at the airport. Very uncomfortable but all experience is good experience.

It was cold and almost empty, only the cleaningpeople left. I don't think we'll do it again, atleast not during the night, because if we had done it during the day the seats would have been more comfortable since we could sit in the waiting area instead of the public area. Our neck pillows were so helpful here!

We didn't sleep much at all that night. Maybe three hours total.
We waited, waited and WAITED for it to be morning so we could eat breakfast.

Typical Texas-restaurant bbq/steakhouse. We had scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese in tacobread. Yummie!

After the restaurant we brushed our teeth and got ready before we took a bus into downtown to our hostel/the city.

We got off the bus a little bit before downtown when we saw a big building with a "Minute Maid Park" sign on it. That was a thing we wanted to see. Almost like Fenway Park (the baseball park) in Boston.

Texas avenue.

Just some houses.

Some of the city from Minute Maid Park.
You can see a flag to the right - that's Texas state flag.

It was locked ofcourse, so we couldn't get in, but I found a window so here we could see some of it atleast.

We kept on walking towards downtown.


A train passed on mainstreet from one direction til the other one. It's so smart to get west-east fast.

Beautiful city!

Wortham Center Theatre. We never went inside, but it was cool to see.

Some cool building we didn't really know what it was!

If I would have brought my bikini I would have gone inside the Aquarium - it seemed so much fun!

George Bush in a little cute park.
It started to get later in the day so it was so much warmer here.

The view from the park.

Another park.

Wortham fountains.

It was such a beautiful place!

We went to Houston when it was all-star basketball games. I have never heard of it, but it was like "the thing" during this time. It wasn't crowded at all on the streets and I guess this was the answer. The owner of our hostel said celebrities had come to town (like Beyoncé) just for the games.
It was over the weekend.

This town was really fresh and they had so fancy cars! Dodge most of all - really shiny and they looked brand new.

Rodeo sign. Too bad it wasn't season for that. It would have been fun to see a typical texas-thing.

Yeah, cars like this all over! I am so jealous!

We went to a skaterpark, it was fun to see skaters in all ages!
Here it was soooo hot!

On a bridge on our way to the hostel.

Sabine was the oldest street in Houston. It might be hard to see but the streetsigns are pretty texas-like.

Our hostel was about 15 minutes away from downtown (walk) and was the historic area of town. It was nice to see the real texas-houses here. Not very fresh but still cool.

Oh, we wanted these oranges so badly!

Totally purple!

This was our hostel.
I thought they were kidding me first. Terese had booked it so I had no idea. It looked so trashy and miserable.
But it turned out to be better than it first seemed. The owners were AWESUME, so friendly and caring. Free breakfast and they summarized Houston, what was worth to do and not, recommended places to visit etc. They were so personal and easy going. After awhile I thought it was more cozy than trashy.

The view from the hostel.

On our way to Taget to buy some snacks and food for the comming days.

Suddenly we found these giant sculptures.

You can see holes on the sides, they are big as a person. So the sculptures were huge!
Later, on our dallas-trip, we saw some of these sculptures next to the road. So cool! We had no idea!

I kind of regret that noone was in this picture so show how big they were. But you got maximum reach the nose of the face to the left (the flat one on the ground).

Texas slum.. but still cool.

This was our room. Not that bad. You could tell the owner liked interior design, but everything was "hardmade-style" and made in a special way. Indian/french/chineese-style, but very cozy. The bed felt like heaven after our night at the airport.

We went into town directly after leaving our stuff at the hostel.

We just walked around and took a drink at a cozy little café.

The seats were really hard and I bounced in them thinking they were soft. I screamed and the next second Terese did the same.. haha.

Four seasons.

Discovery Green Park was crowded, it is next to the baseball games. But it ended by the time we got there.

Some cheerleaders.

Toyota center - a big arena.

Live music from the roof of the 713-tickets sign.

A nice church.

A typical Texas-bar. But we never went inside.

Getting dark.

Beautiful Houston! We went to bed at 7.30 this night and I slept until 6 the next day. Exhausted, haha!

Lori told me she was going to IKEA that thursday, what a coincidence - so were we!
As you can see - it wasn't crowded at all, nice..

Oh, swedish meatballs - love!

And my favorite dessert too..

Småland - love!

The eating didn't stop there.. One hotdog, ice cram and some swedish fish in the car - haven't felt that full in a loooong time... but it was worth it. You never know when you go back to IKEA...

Valentine's day

They have a rule at Arno's school that if you want to give valentine's card you have to give to everybody in your class. So Arno came home with a bag full of them.. It was candy, stickers, pens, cards, tattos etc.

He got "Wonka dip" that turned his tung and lips totally green. Even his finger was green (serously green, it didn't come off).

Lori got beautiful red roses sent from Charlie who was in San Diego.

I made the kids valentine's cards too.
Valentine's cards

My valentine's card/scrapbook for Julia
At Starbucks

Mirea was being funny at starbucks..


We went to Cabot's this wednesday. Madde had been in the USA for 6 months and we needed a reason for ice dream. This was my vanilla ice cream with bananas and peanutbuttersauce and marshmellow.

Madde took somehting with mint. Tasted like toothpaste..

Terese with a fancy brownie ice cream/cookie.

Mine again..

Me and Madde.

Julia and Terese.


This is what it looks like after... but I only ate half of it, but it doesn't show. It's for sure not a small ice cream... Luckily we had lunch at home earlier.

Madde had 20 Sek in her wallet, feels like a long time ago...

Crafty workshop

Mirea when we're doing crafty projects in my room!
Handmade Card

Warning for happiness
Just realized how happy I am.
Since I was out playing with Arno in the snow I suddenly turned out to be the best aupair EVER... He kept huging and kissing me all the time and he kept begging to do more stuff together. Adorable - yeah!
The next day I made a grilled cheese with bacon and got even more credit for that. He got kind of mad at me when I got a headache and didn't want to go out and play in the snow with him, but I couldn't help that...
Mirea and I had a crafts workshop in my room yesterday - she made a project to school, what would be better than doing that down in my room with all my stuff. I appreciate that she asks before she takes stuff and we felt more like friends than aupair and hostkid. I am just so lucky.
Lori was in Washington and Charlie in San Diego yesterday so it was a late night with the kids for me. But that was fine, I don't work that much other days so I am perfectly fine with that. It was just too bad that I had a tiny headache that felt like it would get worse, but lucky for me it never did!
This morning Lori was in a great mood and it felt great to talk about my trips and their vacation a little. I think she got a little surprised about Texas of all the places (I haven't really talked about where we were going) but she said she would talk with some friends therefrom that could give me tips. She also told me that people are wearing cowboy boots in the city - wiiho!! How cool isn't that?
She also talked about some cherry-trees in Washington D.C for us to see in April/May but we aren't sure if it's "open" then... I will do some reaserch of Washington and all other places when we get there. Now I am all in TEXAS! I have already started to pack my bag and I am surprised how light it is. I will bring my heavy camera ofc, but still. Both me and Terese agreed that we might be ugly/unfresh/tired but we don't care. As long as we get to see all the things we want to see it's fine. I found on wiki today that Beyoncé was born in Houston - cool! I also bought tickets for her concert, did I tell you that? I am going with Julia in July - we got two different seats but I don't really care..
I am also very proud of myself for comming this far into my year here. I am not homesick at all - that's a victory for me. I like it here, I like my room and my friends. Especially I like all the adventures and attractions I experience here. I have learned so much and am more happy than in a long time. I live a better life here than I could ever have imagined. Every morning I wake up with the sun shining in my window and I feel that every day will be a good day. This trip was good for me and soul, I needed a break from my life at home, I needed to experience something new - see that there is more than Njudungsgymnasiet and all that crap. I am so happy that my family will come and visit but so far, I am not dying to see anyone which I thought I would be. I thought I would cry and that I would want the time to go faster, but skype is great and I am proud of building up my own life here. Ofcourse I miss my family, that's not what I am saying.. Sofie, I also want to say thank you and that it was great when you were here - few friends would go on such a trip alone as you did, you should be proud of yourself! We had a wonderful time here and it feels like a very long time ago now. Can't believe where the time went?!?!
And this comming weeks will go fast, aswell. Texas, my birthday, Frida comes, Lady Gaga, Miami..Oh.
However - I am very happy and love my life (I even worked out so hard yesterday that I have a bad muscle soreness - feels awesume!!) today I am going to Cabot's with the girls. We are going to eat ice cream an celebrate that Madde has been in the United States in 6 months. Yey!
Hope you all have a great day, talk to you soon!
Even though it was raining outside I wanted to go out and play in the snow with the kids, so when Arno asked me if I wanted to he got a little surprised when I said "YES!".

We had a huge snowball fight and I hit him right in the head twice so his head was soaking wet, but since it was rain outside anyway it didn't matter, except that he wanted revenge...


And we made a wierd snowman!

And a snowangel even though I don't have snowpants. My coat was sooooooooakingwet when we came inside, but we had so much fun and Arno kept begging to hang out with me even more even though Lori was home and told me I was off. haha, I love when they like me.... :)
Valentine's cards
When we were in Newton Center Lori asked me to buy Arno's valentine's cards at a cvs-store.
We bought a kind with madagascar-charactars on it.

This whole thing is just arranged. You buy a package of it, put a sticker on it, write your friend's name and your own. You give to your entire class!

They had even got a name-list from school!! I was bored so I made some drawings on it....

Panera Bread
We went to Panera Bread for take out-lunch.

I had broccoli soup and got a bread bowl even though I didn't ask for it, but it was... special?

Mirea loves the bread bowl, but I didn't really see the point and it didn't taste very good either..

Arno was happy that he got grilled cheese with bacon.

And home-made cupcakes for dessert!
We are lucky the family hosted for a party this weekend, so much good stuff left ;)
Crazy kids

These two 'tied-together'-kids came down to my room this monday when they were off school.

They are funny, crazy, wierd - every word you can possibly find, but they are so delightful!
Johnny's & Ben'n'Jerry's

This Sunday we decided to go out for lunch. Apparently we weren't the only ones thinking that...

We went to a place inte Newton Center, which was crowded, but we only had to wait for like 15 minutes.

I ordered a smoothie, I am kind of obsessed now...

It was an old-fashioned 50th-restaurant. I would say kind of trashy but still cool.

I only ate the french fries and took the burger with me home. It's just too much!

And some pictures of the snow!

Look, how high it is upon Madde's leg!

Oooh, that's just cold when you get snow in your shoes -.-

We went to Terese's house for candy and ice cream!

4 packages of Ben & Jerry's. Mine was red velvet cake ofc!
But I ate like five spoonfuls and then I had enough, don't know what's wrong with me... but I guess I am just lucky that my body says no.

But they totally enjoyed theirs!

... and took a lot of lame pictures like this one!
Awesume night with my girls! Tomorrow the kids will be off school - again! But I find it fun, since I didn't get a chance to go sliding or ice skating with them.. we'll see what happens! Night, sleep tight..

Nemo gave us snow. A lot of it. It was hard to get out and Madde even told me you could go to jail if you drove a car on the streets. So we had so stay inside. Unless you walked, which Julia did, to come to me.
I bought some new papers at Michael's and wanted to rearrange the posters on my wall.

...while Julia was watching Melodifestivalen on my computer.

Halfway done. I put some more pictures on the posters after this.


Then we made dinner. Our taco-night didn't work out at all since Madde and Terese couldn't get out of their houses, so it was just Julia and me.

We made kladdkaka as dessert, the batter was sooo yummie, but when it was done it looked and tasted so wierd. I don't know what happend, but as you can see - the edges were almost burned and the middle loose and runny.

But we ate it anyway. We watched "fighting" with Channing Tatum and Julia fell asleep (as usual).
It was a great night, we can survive even if Nemo attacked us!
My breakfast

Yummie, healthy and pretty simple.
Branflakes, raspberries and non-fat milk, an egg, smoothie of pear, apple, banana, strawberries, blueberries, lime, yogurt and blackberries.
Good start of the day! (it turned out to be good even though someone woke me up this night and I couldn't sleep for about one hour after that - I even tried to watch TV...Not like me..haha)
Snowstorm Nemo - Saturday

This morning I told myself - you can have some scrapbooking stuff if you go out and shovel the snow away. Ofcourse I wanted that..... And it's good exercise too. Now I am very proud of myself, when I am sitting freshly showered in my cozy pants and socks waiting for Julia. We girls were going to have a taco-night at my place, but we'll see what happens. I have chicken and potatoes just in case Madde and Terese won't be able to make it. We're not even sure if it's possible to get to the grocery store..
Snowstorm Nemo

I can admit that I like this snowstorm. I got one day off because the schools closed up (yey!) so the family went to Andover a day ealier. I am glad Lori asked me to come so I wouldn't feel like they left me all alone in the storm, but as you may know, I am not really scared of things - I think people here are overdramatic!
I am also glad my family here are almost like my family at home at this point, don't worry too much and take it calmly. Julia's mom here would have freaked out it Julia was alone at their house... In fact, Julia wanted to spend the night at home just because Annika was so afraid of the storm! Hello?
So far, this storm have been.. snow. And snow only. It's not even 10 cm but I can say that it's snowing heavily. But so what, the people here are just not used to the snow.. That's my opinion. I mean, look at the pictures - it's not that bad.
Instead of worrying I cooked some friday-dinner and watched Cold Case in front of the TV.

I can see now, when I posted the pictures, that it didn't look very tempting, but it was good.
Potatoes and salmon in the oven, fried shrimps and a sauce of tomatoes, red onions, yogurt etc.
Oh, boy, I was so full! But it was great!
Speaking of something else, my neck hurts when I turn my head on one side, it's wierd. I hope it will get better, because I don't want to go around with pain when I move my neck...
Now I will do some scrapbooking and maybe watch a movie - we'll see! Have a great night,
Cheesecake Factory

Later that Thursday the four of us - Madde, Julia and Terese went to Cheesecake Factory.
We shared an appetizer nachos and got perfectly full. Then we had some cheesecake.
I took Red Velvet, I had dreamt about it for weeks now - true love!

This thursday I went to Terese's house for some travel-planning.
We are going to Texas February 16th, a little roadtrip down at the south...
We have booked buses and flights, there was paper, paper and more paper! But we're so excited!
HipStich & Walk

Both the kids had early release this Wednesday. Lori had signes Arno up for a sewing class called Hip-Stich.
I dropped him off here and went back home.
The next day Lori took Arno to school and to swimming after so I was pretty much off all day exept driving Mirea to and from dance which takes about an hour. During the waiting-time I usually read a book or something but it was a beautiful sunset so I took a walk instead.

This was an off-leash park for dogs, maybe I will take Vespa here some day.
I figured she would calm down with the barking if someone took her out for a REAL walk, so I went out for a long walk earlier this week. She didn't bark at all and she seemed perfectly happy. But as soon as we got home she started to bark again. I don't know what to do with her?

I am in a real smoothie-mood. It's sooo good!
I add some frozen fruit, banana, some yogurt and sometimes juice. Deli!!
I had Julia over earlier this week for some FIKA..
Mumford & Sons Concert
The day finally came - Mumford, it's time for us to meet!

A picture of me before I walked to the T. I am so excited and also a little bit nervous!
The T was really slow and it took me almost an hour to get into Boston, I was glad I was early.
I went into TD Garden, crowded as usual, it's soooo big. I saw that they had shops with t-shirts and stuff but the lines were so long that I skipped that thought pretty early. I showed the staff my ticket (and kind of expected something to go wrong - why am I suddenly so lucky?) but he was so nice and told me to enjoy the show. He had no idea how much I was going to enjoy it....
I was just going into my section when I suddenly saw a little shop with mumford-stuff and no line at all. Hmm.. I bought a t-shirt för 35 dollars, but oh, it was worth it! I haven't tried it on though, but I'll make it fit!

This is what the scene looked like when I first got in there. It was 6.50 and it was crowded with standing people down there.

A sing-songwriter from Ireland preformed for about 20 minutes. He was really good. I liked his voice!

At 7.30 a band called Fleecebrothers came up on the stage. I started to loose my temper..
I was so tired, since I couldn't sleep the day before because of all the excitement -.-

When they finally were done (after about one hour) this fabric hanged down and the staff worked back there some time that felt like forever!

Then the show finally started. Oooh, I love them so badly!

It was just too bad that a guy behind me wanted to show the entire TD Garden what a big fan he was so he kind of sang the lyrics loudly before Mumford sang it. He probably wanted to impress the girls he was with, but it was soooo annoying. I recordered so much and I think his voice will be the only thing you can hear -.- hahah!
But I am not sad, because everything was so worth it!

I've seen clip on youtube when they have the lights like this, poiting at the audience. It felt magic!

This was Little Lion Man - soooo crazily wonderful feeling!
They told everyone to dance and since my seat was on the balcony I could feel the floor move!!!!

The best concert in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!
I am so happy that I bought the ticket and it didn't matter that I went all by myself - it was soooooo worth it!
Before Mumford & sons
Just wanted to describe my happiness now.
That's pretty much how I feel! I am more than happy right now, it feels so unreal. I don't think I get that I will see them live Tonight! It is totally crazy! The first thing I though of this morning was a mumford-song and I've listened to their music this day long. Julia printed the ticket for me and came with it earlier today - I have the ticket in my hand. I am going to Mumford & sons. I am going to see MUMFORD & SONS! I am the happiest person on earth.
I know I am not allowed to take pictures in the arena, but I will try to take sneak peeks. It's too bad I am going to the concert alone, that would totally embarrass me it they asked me to put the camera down. But it can be worth it..
I couldn't sleep yesterday, I am so excited about my future. I love my life...
As much as I love MUMFORD & SONS!!!!
Today it's Monday and I am really happy!
I am going to MUMFORD & SONS tomorrow - how cool isn't that?!?!?
Today I took an hour long walk after walking Arno to school, I felt so good about myself. It was pretty cold and we had a thin layer of powdery snow - kind of slippery but very beautiful!
When I came home I did laundry and ate smoothie. I wrote in my US-diary (which I never do cause it's boring). I charged my camera for tomorrow and I wrote a text to ask Lori about my travelplans on february vacation and Chicago in May. She said yes to both - happy? YES!
I just got out from the shower and now I am about to go up and fold some laundry. It feels like this day have been so long and I totally enjoyed it :)
This Sunday Julia had a soft LCC meeting at Panera Bread in Newton Center. She asked if I wanted to come too and I had nothing else planned. Therese and Madde were going too. I was going to walk to Newton Center, felt I needed my exercise for the day but it turned out to be waaaaaaaaaaay longer than I thought. When you go by car it doesn't even take 5-10 minutes, but it would probably take about one hour to walk. I was going to meet Julia at whole foods but I realized pretty early that I wasn't going to make it in time so I told her, in panic, to go back to the T. Then I called Terese and asked her if she could pick me up. It was already 1pm and the meeting started at 1, but we made it almost in time - the meeting was more like "come and go" so there wasn't a problem. Atleast I got an 30 minutes walk to whole foods and a brand new idea about distance! (yey)
I had a salad with salmon (my new favorite) and during the meeting the four of us sat together and planned our comming trips. The girls are going to D.C with east coast adventures, but I won't come with them since I'm already going there sooooooon! Terese and I started to talk about february vacation when our kids are off school. We will probably go somewhere then so we are about to plan that in more detail the comming days. We were all on fire here, everybody was so eager to travel!
After the meeting we went to J.P licks for some frozen yoghurt. I took passion fruit sorbet, but I didn't really like it...
Madde and Terese went into Boston to watch super bowl, Julia and I took the T to her house. We planned a little for the comming trips - so excited!!
Later that night I felt kind of sick. Wierd feeling, like I was going to faint on the same time as I had a bad headache and my eyes felt wierd. I watched some episodes of Friends before I went to bed.
I finished my exercise-program for this week (proud of myself) and I really healthy during the week. I failed a little on the weekend, but that is things that happens. As an award I got a scrapbookmagazine :) So I read that one before I went to bed...
Saturday Work

Lori and Charlie went to a party so I spent some time with the kids. We ordered pizza (deliver to the door) and had a movienight with madagascar 3.

After that we had a tickle-war on the couch and a great time together, I love my kids!

Before it was bedtime we had a competition in airhockey which Mirea won.

Yeah, some people like to clean the floor. He is crazy!
South Shore Plaza, Braintree
This Saturday we went to a mall in Braintree.

I didn't take a lot of pictures but we had a good time. We ate wok at the food court, had some frozen yoghurt at pink berry and went to lots of different stores. It was a great mall! Better than Natick, too bad it was pretty far away though. It took about one hour to get there.

This is what I bought. A jeansvest, chinos, a wallet and showergel/bodylotion (the body shop).
The showergel and bodylotion was only 2,5 dollars each!!! What a bargain!!

After T.G.I Friday's we went to Framinghams movietheatre to see if there was a good movie.
It wasn't but the only one we agreed on that might be good was Hansel and Gretel, with hunters, 3D.
Neither of us had any idea of what it was about, but we figured it was just fun to see a movie.
I had never watched in 3D before so I was excited.

Julia bought Icee with taste of blue raspberry (it tasted like artificial substances/bubble gum/carbonic acid), it was the size of a LARGE in Sweden. But finally, when all of us helped her, she finished it.
We had to sit and wait for the movie awhile by the way..

She said sugar snaps didn't work on her but she got both wild and crazy after that blue raspberry-thing......

It was about 11 when the movie started and we weren't many people in the movietheatre.


Blurry picture, but this is us!
The movie was the worst I have ever seen (we gotta stop watching things we don't know what it is!!!), both Julia and I fell asleep. It was both unrealistic and old fashion, I had thought it would be a modern version of the old story, but this was something else.
It was great to see it in 3D though, so I'm still glad we went!
T.G.I Friday's

I have a list of things I will do here before I go home. On that list I had: eat at the restaurant called "Thank god it's friday". So Julia, Terese, Madde and I went there for a fancy fridaynight dinner!

I had chicken with pasta and vegetables - soooo great!

Terese and Madde - hamburgergirls!

Me and Julia - Julia was so happy that she could order ribs and fries!

The two of us shared dessert - salted caramel cookie/cake with ice cream.

Terese took vanilla bean cheesecake. It was very creamy but not the best one i've had..

Madde had an oreo cookie with chocolate and caramel sauce.
We had a great time!
Sweet Tarts

Arno and I agreed on doing something to make swimming a little bit easier, since he really hates it. Here's what it turned out to be! Sweet tarts! Since I still try to be healty I just had a little on the bottom - pink lemonade sorbet with some pieces of watermelon candy and cookiedough - lovely!

A really bad picture, but here's Arno with his well-filled cup!
He may not look happy, but he was. We had a great time there :)

The traffic on Needham street, on the way to Mirea's dance was stocked.
And when I say stocked - it didn't move at all...
More Michael's

I just had to buy some more stuff for my albums - love it!
Pearls, lace, flowers and cat's eyes.
You may know that I am trying to eat more healthy and I do my workout better nowadays.
As a snack this week I made a smoothie. I put blue-, straw- and raspberries in the mixer, added a banana and yogurt, and just a tiny bit of ice cream to make it more creamy = lovely smoothie!

It was yum, and I will do it again!
Happy girl
I am extremely happy right now. First of all:
I found the swanprincess on - the movie we had when I was little but it broke so I couldn't see it, can you imagine how great it feels to be able to see it now afte such a long time?!
Second of all and mainreason:
Michael's is the love of my life - they really have EVERYTHING a crafty person might need, I am going back there tomorrow to buy some new things for my albums. Love it! I have stuff all over the floor in my room and i am very happy about my scrapbooks so far!!
Mirea just came down to my room (I love when my kids come down to spend some time with me - they really are the best when they are cozy and when they know they aren't allowed to be there for their parents), she looked at all my stuff and told me that they were looking at applications from new aupairs til next year. Oh, I've waited for that moment. I remeber being so jealous of Isabel by this time. I figured I would be new and she already knew the family and everything. That is exactly were I am right now. I know my place here and I love my family. I can't wait to tell the new aupair about everything here - I will explain things so much better than Isabel did.
I love my life, heeeeeeeell yeah!
I won't be able to sleep tonight, I am on fire!!!