Warning for happiness
Just realized how happy I am.
Since I was out playing with Arno in the snow I suddenly turned out to be the best aupair EVER... He kept huging and kissing me all the time and he kept begging to do more stuff together. Adorable - yeah!
The next day I made a grilled cheese with bacon and got even more credit for that. He got kind of mad at me when I got a headache and didn't want to go out and play in the snow with him, but I couldn't help that...
Mirea and I had a crafts workshop in my room yesterday - she made a project to school, what would be better than doing that down in my room with all my stuff. I appreciate that she asks before she takes stuff and we felt more like friends than aupair and hostkid. I am just so lucky.
Lori was in Washington and Charlie in San Diego yesterday so it was a late night with the kids for me. But that was fine, I don't work that much other days so I am perfectly fine with that. It was just too bad that I had a tiny headache that felt like it would get worse, but lucky for me it never did!
This morning Lori was in a great mood and it felt great to talk about my trips and their vacation a little. I think she got a little surprised about Texas of all the places (I haven't really talked about where we were going) but she said she would talk with some friends therefrom that could give me tips. She also told me that people are wearing cowboy boots in the city - wiiho!! How cool isn't that?
She also talked about some cherry-trees in Washington D.C for us to see in April/May but we aren't sure if it's "open" then... I will do some reaserch of Washington and all other places when we get there. Now I am all in TEXAS! I have already started to pack my bag and I am surprised how light it is. I will bring my heavy camera ofc, but still. Both me and Terese agreed that we might be ugly/unfresh/tired but we don't care. As long as we get to see all the things we want to see it's fine. I found on wiki today that Beyoncé was born in Houston - cool! I also bought tickets for her concert, did I tell you that? I am going with Julia in July - we got two different seats but I don't really care..
I am also very proud of myself for comming this far into my year here. I am not homesick at all - that's a victory for me. I like it here, I like my room and my friends. Especially I like all the adventures and attractions I experience here. I have learned so much and am more happy than in a long time. I live a better life here than I could ever have imagined. Every morning I wake up with the sun shining in my window and I feel that every day will be a good day. This trip was good for me and soul, I needed a break from my life at home, I needed to experience something new - see that there is more than Njudungsgymnasiet and all that crap. I am so happy that my family will come and visit but so far, I am not dying to see anyone which I thought I would be. I thought I would cry and that I would want the time to go faster, but skype is great and I am proud of building up my own life here. Ofcourse I miss my family, that's not what I am saying.. Sofie, I also want to say thank you and that it was great when you were here - few friends would go on such a trip alone as you did, you should be proud of yourself! We had a wonderful time here and it feels like a very long time ago now. Can't believe where the time went?!?!
And this comming weeks will go fast, aswell. Texas, my birthday, Frida comes, Lady Gaga, Miami..Oh.
However - I am very happy and love my life (I even worked out so hard yesterday that I have a bad muscle soreness - feels awesume!!) today I am going to Cabot's with the girls. We are going to eat ice cream an celebrate that Madde has been in the United States in 6 months. Yey!
Hope you all have a great day, talk to you soon!