My day
My day today was pretty good. I made Arno a cheese sandwich for lunch and walked him to school. When I got home I studied for a couple of hours, so now I am done with all my schoolwork. As you may know I am going to this weekend course and had some homeworks to go with it. Finally done with everything, now I am just hoping they will accept it. I kind of copied a little from this blog. The task was to write 2000 words (each) about myself and a daily journal about expectations etc...
I skyped with Frida to say "happy birthday" and just chat a little, then I talked to mom and dad for awhile. Time goes fast when you're having fun. I watched some episodes of Friends and had tomato soup for lunch, peanutbutter cereal and an apple as desert. Yummie!
Then I went to pick up Arno from school and we sat and were just playing around during snack-time for a moment. Mirea went up to the attic where Lori was. Then the kids had to get ready for their activities - gymnastics and dance. While I waited I read my book (I park next to a big lamp on a parkinglot so I can see - how smart is that?!) and then I picked them up and we all went home.
When I got home Lori came to me to talk a little. We don't really talk much about stuff usually (it sounds so boring and sometimes we dooo, but usually I am tired or they are busy) and she said that she had seen my note on our internet calendar about my parents visit. She was so positive - she is just great! She also mentioned that I can always go to my room when the kids are in their rooms - that I don't have to "sit and do nothing just to show that I work" which felt so good for me. Usually I make up something to do so they won't think I don't care.. I mean, it's not like it's hours, but still, it felt good. She also told me I don't have to get up exactly at 7 every morning any more if I don't want to, which also felt great!! It feels like this is something we should have talked about before, but it seemed like they wanted to change their schedules since the kids are getting older. I also have sooo many free weekends these comming months, I am so happy. I almost started to cry before. I am happy. This family is great, life here is great!
Now I will watch some episodes of friends and then go to bed. Tomorrow I will sleep in a little bit. Yeeeeeeeeeah!
Postat av: Frida
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