Day 10 - Hiking Yosemite Park

We went up really early in the morning to go hiking in Yosemite National Park.
It was cold that morning and we came here to watch the sun rise.

The whole group!

Everybody exept for me and Martina walked the hike. Both of us have knee-problems, so we decided to skip it.

We went to the postoffice...

...and the visitorcenter. Here are conditions beacuse of the forestfire.

We had our lunch outside, and some company ofcourse!

After the lunch we went to Curry Village were I skyped with my family, and Fanny.
We had to wait a few hours for the rest of the group to get back. But it was nice to relax for awhile.

We sat on the porch in the sun. Here is Julia back from the hike.

The campground.

I tried to kill the battery on my camera..

We ended up having a lot of fun!

Then we sat outside with the rest of the group, talking and just hanging out.

And I wrote in my diary!

End of that day!