Day 4 - Grand Canyon

Early morning to watch the sun rise in Arizona.

Julia, Catherine, Adam, Kate and John.

...and me!


This is where we stayed that night.

Everybody slept on the ground exept for Julia, Adam and I.

Here is our stuff in the wagon.

The had these puppies all over at the ranch.

We drove for a few hours with some stops and then we arrived in Crand Canyon. Brian gave us some brown bags and crayons to draw a friend's face. I asked him if we were supposed to wear them later and he looked at me as if I was completely stupied, but as soon as we got out from the van he told us to put them on... hehe. So we walked in a long line with our brown bags, no sneakpeeking and then suddenly we were allowed to take them off, and then we stood there - in the middle of GRAND CANYON!! That was massive!!!

Pictures can't describe what it looks like...

John, Julia, Adam, Donna, me, Jane and Kate.

Adam and Julia.

Catherine, Jane, me, Joya, Martina, Julia and Adam. Adam was pleased..... -.-

Mr Jumper!

Brian ordered pizza and brought some chairs so we could eat in grand canyon while we watched the sunset.

Kate, Adam and Ran.

Martina and Catherine.

The whole gang except for me.

Very beautiful sunset!
