Day 6 Route 66 & Las Vegas

A mull on our campground..

Almost breakfast-time!

After a few hours in the van - Route 66!!

This is "Bärgarn" from the movie Cars.

I will never forget about what happened here. I wanted this pic, but when I sat down on the bike the sadel was completely soaking wet. So I ended up wet-assed for the rest of this trip at route 66..... hahah!

This is a diner!

We like it when it's crowded!

Inspiration for me?

Always remember the smiley-hat!

Welcome to Las Vegas! Brian showed us the city by car and then he took us to a second hand store to buy some clothes for our party-night! First we thought he was joking, but he wasn't and it was a typical idea of his!!
But as you can see we had fun in this store even though we didn't buy more than jewelry for the night and Julia bought a casual top.

At our hotelroom we ordered thai and had a preparty in the corridor (And here in our bathroom)!

Brian bought some second hand-clothes! And Martina is making his hair.

Food in the corridor.

Waiting for the partybus!

Brian had some secret stops on the partybus. Here is the first one.

Something very special. It was like a shoppingmall, but at 10pm a Queens-concert started in the ceiling!

Brian told us to lie on the floor, and so we did. Everybody stared at us, cause noone else did, but it was so much fun!!!!

Me and Donna!

We lied in the middle of everything!


Another stop! The Las Vegas-sign!

We borrowed some ID's and went out to a nightclub.
Rooftop 54th floor, not bad!!!

It's not like partying in Sweden. They had this "stripdancers" in every corner and it's more hang around while you drink. More fancy in some way. They are well dressed too.
