Day 11 - San Francisco

Brian had a secret to show us on the road. He took us to the biggest Outdoor World ever.

This is a store dads would love, but I had pretty fun too even tough it wasn't really my style.

After brunch at Denny's. Julia and Catherine.

In San Fran!

Victorian houses at Alamo Square. In series and movies like the Busy House etc.

Brian showed us twinpeak which was an amazing viewpoint over the city.

The Golden Gate Bridge!

The Good Hotel.

On our way to Fisherman's warf for some sailing.

Seals on the docks.

Alcatraz in the background.


Donna and Kerry.

Jane and I.

Jane, me and Joya.

At a chinese restaurant.

Some of us went out and some went home. We took some fun photos in an automat in the reception. So much fun!!

Day 10 - Hiking Yosemite Park

We went up really early in the morning to go hiking in Yosemite National Park.
It was cold that morning and we came here to watch the sun rise.

The whole group!

Everybody exept for me and Martina walked the hike. Both of us have knee-problems, so we decided to skip it.

We went to the postoffice...

...and the visitorcenter. Here are conditions beacuse of the forestfire.

We had our lunch outside, and some company ofcourse!

After the lunch we went to Curry Village were I skyped with my family, and Fanny.
We had to wait a few hours for the rest of the group to get back. But it was nice to relax for awhile.

We sat on the porch in the sun. Here is Julia back from the hike.

The campground.

I tried to kill the battery on my camera..

We ended up having a lot of fun!

Then we sat outside with the rest of the group, talking and just hanging out.

And I wrote in my diary!

End of that day!
Day 9 - Yosemite National Park

At lake Izabella in the morning.

The restrooms at this "campground" looked like it was from the Worldwar 2...

Sequoia trees.

We went on a small hike in Yosemite the first day. Parts of the park was on fire, so we had to got to the southern part instead.

Ran jumped, as always!

This was so cool!!

Dirty?! But it was a small hike, as I said before. Otherwise Brian would never let us go with flipflops..

The view of Yosemite!

Day 8 - Nevada, Death Valley

The straightest road I have ever seen, in the middle of the desert.


Brian is crazy, as usual.

Welcome to Death Valley. It was so hot here we had to turn the aircondition off to not make the engine get to hot. You do not want to stop in the middle of Death Valley - which is pretty much nothing, not even a gasstation..

I had my feet at two states on the same time, California and Nevada.

After that it went down, below sealevel. My ears was hurting all the time.

At a campground later on. Yosemite was on fire and we had to figure out if we were going to sleep at this camp or keep going and try yosemite anyway.

Day 7 - Las Vegas, the Strip

The day after the party. At the hotel poolarea.

On our way to Stratosphere.


Stratosphere in the background.

A vintage McDonald's.

A cool, old couple at McDonald's.

You could do a skyjump from the top of Stratosphere, 102nd floor. Adam, Catherine and Brian did it. We gave that to Brian as a gift!

Julia bought a ticket for a ride, but then they had to shut everything down because of a thunderstorm.

At the Strip, on our way downtown.

We went in to some stores on the way.

On of the most expensive hotels in the world.



Gwen Stefani outside Madame Tussauds.


johnny depp's.

Inside a casino in a hotel. Stripdancers everywhere..

New York.


Outside Luxor.

At Dick's Last Resort for dinner and to celebrate Joya's birthday.

Brooklyn Bridge.

Vegas, bby..

Only in Nevada is prostitution allowed.

A show at Treasure Island Hotel.


Donna, Julia and Jane.

Inside Venezia hotel.

The celing looked like the sky.

Another show at Treasue Island.

This is what my feet looked like after a long, "walking" day!
Day 6 Route 66 & Las Vegas

A mull on our campground..

Almost breakfast-time!

After a few hours in the van - Route 66!!

This is "Bärgarn" from the movie Cars.

I will never forget about what happened here. I wanted this pic, but when I sat down on the bike the sadel was completely soaking wet. So I ended up wet-assed for the rest of this trip at route 66..... hahah!

This is a diner!

We like it when it's crowded!

Inspiration for me?

Always remember the smiley-hat!

Welcome to Las Vegas! Brian showed us the city by car and then he took us to a second hand store to buy some clothes for our party-night! First we thought he was joking, but he wasn't and it was a typical idea of his!!
But as you can see we had fun in this store even though we didn't buy more than jewelry for the night and Julia bought a casual top.

At our hotelroom we ordered thai and had a preparty in the corridor (And here in our bathroom)!

Brian bought some second hand-clothes! And Martina is making his hair.

Food in the corridor.

Waiting for the partybus!

Brian had some secret stops on the partybus. Here is the first one.

Something very special. It was like a shoppingmall, but at 10pm a Queens-concert started in the ceiling!

Brian told us to lie on the floor, and so we did. Everybody stared at us, cause noone else did, but it was so much fun!!!!

Me and Donna!

We lied in the middle of everything!


Another stop! The Las Vegas-sign!

We borrowed some ID's and went out to a nightclub.
Rooftop 54th floor, not bad!!!

It's not like partying in Sweden. They had this "stripdancers" in every corner and it's more hang around while you drink. More fancy in some way. They are well dressed too.

Day 5 - Grand Canyon, hiking & helicopter

4 in the morning, and we are hiking in the Grand Canyon!

The first point.


We were a small group who chose this hike. It is Kate, Donna, Kerry, me and Julia.
Julia and I walked a longer hike than the other girls.


Glad we made it so far!

On our way back up.


What an amazing view!!

We made it back to the top!! Victory! It was really hard - took about 5 hours. So I was very glad when we were back :)
We went back to camp and took a shower and had some lunch. In the afternoon a helicoptertour was waiting!

Excited to sit in the front of the helicopter!

So was I!

This is so big you wouldn't even see a person here.. It is unbelievable!

This is Colorado River.

We drove right through a monsun, which was very cool. It ended after a few minutes and it is very common in that environment.

The "pilot" took some pictures afterwards..

I have to admit that both Julia and I were a little bit disappointed of the tour, it was very expensive and it took a long time and it looked pretty much the same everywhere.. But it was fun to do it, but not worth it.

This is what the sky looked like when we got back home to the camp that night.. Completely pink!!

Day 4 - Grand Canyon

Early morning to watch the sun rise in Arizona.

Julia, Catherine, Adam, Kate and John.

...and me!


This is where we stayed that night.

Everybody slept on the ground exept for Julia, Adam and I.

Here is our stuff in the wagon.

The had these puppies all over at the ranch.

We drove for a few hours with some stops and then we arrived in Crand Canyon. Brian gave us some brown bags and crayons to draw a friend's face. I asked him if we were supposed to wear them later and he looked at me as if I was completely stupied, but as soon as we got out from the van he told us to put them on... hehe. So we walked in a long line with our brown bags, no sneakpeeking and then suddenly we were allowed to take them off, and then we stood there - in the middle of GRAND CANYON!! That was massive!!!

Pictures can't describe what it looks like...

John, Julia, Adam, Donna, me, Jane and Kate.

Adam and Julia.

Catherine, Jane, me, Joya, Martina, Julia and Adam. Adam was pleased..... -.-

Mr Jumper!

Brian ordered pizza and brought some chairs so we could eat in grand canyon while we watched the sunset.

Kate, Adam and Ran.

Martina and Catherine.

The whole gang except for me.

Very beautiful sunset!