
I can see that my readers totally check out my blog, keep up the good work!!
Now we're back from a lesson in another building (today we had sing along and eveninglesson). A police officer, who was totally awesume, made jokes and told us about safety and american laws. Very fun to see.
At the sing-along everybody from the different countries had to sing a national song on the scen. We sang Pippi Longstocking with movements (correct?) with our hands and s on. It was very funny to see all the other countries, especiallt the three short chineese-girls who sang about rabbits and jumped like them - it was sooo funny!
Today I paid for my trip to NY and tomorrow the lesson will start at 8 am. We'll do the presentation and then we'll go to the big city!
The time here is almost 9 pm, and I am so tired - long days with just sitting.. I'm going to bed as soon i get out of the computerroom.


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