What to miss

It's funny how this "going away-thing" make me open my eyes.
Now I see the world in a different way than I used to. Atleast my world. Now I think "will I miss that my neighbour is cutting the hedge when I get home from work?" and "will I miss the spontaneous trips at the weekends?" and "will I miss the feeling of eating outside at summernights?". There are so many things, just regular things in my ordinary day in my life, that I kind of see now.
Here is five things I think I will miss when I am away (interesting to see what I say later on!):
  • Fanny's visits - you can never beat a "girl-next-door-knock"
  • Fridas presence - that person is my other half, I will miss our sister-time
  •  My room - definitly my bed!
  • My scrapbooking corner - I will miss to have everything I need in my desk
  • I think I will miss the street where I live too - the quiet, ded street that still carries so much memories
    But, now is not a good time to grieve...
    This was most for fun - to see if it is true or if I will miss totally different things.
    Talk to you later!


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