Advent calendar

My little christmas tree that I bought at IKEA.
All the gifts in my home-made gift-calendar are under the tree now.
Arno saw it and said: "Is that what I think it is?"
I told him that it was gift to me from Sofie.
He looked at them and asked: "But why are some of the gifts named Arno and Mirea?"
"well, she wanted to give you some too."
Then he sat there for awhile and got a little bit sad that only number 9 and 13 were for him and Mirea.
Can't believe he actually believed us when we said that! So cute!
And speaking of presents. Arno got devastated in the car yesterday when he realised that he only had 2 days to get sofie a gift, since the family are going to andover this weekend.  Sofie said: "oh, you don't have to give me one".
He replied: "You won't leave without one..."
Sofie got herself an admirer!


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