Shear Madness

We walked around a little in Boston, the weather was really nice - sunny and not to cold.
But since we went in to town about 1.30pm and the theatre didn't start until 9pm we had some more time.
So we went to the Movies. The big, three floor MovieTheatre called Loews (this picutre under here was an old one I had). The film was called Flight. Neither Julia and I had heard of it before but we thought it could be fun.
It wasn't bad, but I didn't really like it either. It kept going for almost 2h (not commercial included which is usually 30 minutes), but it was okey. After that we had about one and a half hour until we were supposed to get our tickets to the theatre. We went to Panera Bread for some dinner. First we planned Thai, but since the film was so long we figured we wouldn't have time. I had a House-smoked turkey-panini (with mustard which they didn't tell - I think I had a "bajsmacka"!) 
As I said, we walked around (got my exercise for the day!)
And we got closer!
This is something you have to do when you are in Boston according to some people.
We plan to do that next week or the week after that, how does that sound, Sofie?
Inside the playhouse - all the actors!
The scene (you weren't allowed to take pictures here either).
The room was really small, very cozy with a bar and everything except the scene in red.
We had the best seats in the whole room!
They guy in pink was awesume - soooo funny!! This was so worth it, he did the whole thing!
And the old lady too - I love old ladies! The play was just great (y)
It was about a hairsalon and a murder - suddenly one of the actors started to ask us (the audience) questions who we thought it was and so they kept going from half of the play to almost the end.
Both Julia and I was surprised that people from the audience raised their hands and wanted to help them to find the murderer. It was crazy! Then we had to vote who we thought it was.
But it was awesume, it's a theatre I maybe would go to one more time because it was so fun!
Picture to my dad, what about this one?
When we were on our way to the T-station we heard some noises - suddenly a parade of indiens showed up, dressed like something that looked like parrots.
It was cool to see even though we didn't know what they did..
This was just an awesume day!!


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