Boston with Julia

Today Julia and I hang out in Boston.
We went to Boston Common, to see it in more detail. She hadn't been there before at all.
It's a very big park with this tortuous ways in it, so cozy!
The weather was kind of creepy, as you can see - foggy on the top of the skyscraper.
But we didn't mind, the fall is still beautiful here!
This will be a skatingrink for iceskating in wintertime.
We went to Quincy Market - restaurants with food from all over the world!!
It was fun just to walk around and look at everything!
Many of them showed what food the served. Here are hamburgers lined up.
Here were some places to eat the food.
We sat up here!
Julia's salad. I ate baked potatoe with chicken BBQ (happy girl!!!) but the picture got blurred.
In the afternoon it began to rain, just tiny, tiny drops but they'll make you really wet. But we didn't mind.
Partly hiding from the rain, partly looking for BOSTON-sweaters.
For the first time here I bought pieces of candy in a bag. They don't have as much as we do in sweden, but some of it is really good.
Some things in Quincy Market...
A store with sportsweaters.
A shop outside Quincy Market with really cute things. Julia's comment:
"I don't really understand you, you like rough things like criminal-tv and boy-clothes, then you suddenly want to go in to this supercute store girly stuff"
Ofcourse I didn't want to go in to this store because of the stupied hairbrushes - I saw these interior design-things from outside the window... they are the best decorative things I've found so far (how bad is that?!) IKEA doesn't count...
Post Office Square Park


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