Movienight - Taken 2

The saturdaynight at home never happened - we went to Framingham to see Taken 2 instead!
What a cinema, so big!
Sandra, Ellen, Sofia & Emelie
Mine and Ellen's tickets.
It was funny - they offered hotdogs and chickenfingers where you bought popcorn. Who brings food into the movie?!
I brought riesen and my own water (I always bring my own waterbottle, it's such a waste to always buy a new one) and I can say that it was really smart, cause the others had to pay a lot for nothing, almost 9 dollars for a lemonade and a candybag with air - Emelie was not glad. But I was totally happy with my candy! Sometimes it's good so come from Snåland...
The small size here is... huge.
Melted butter to pour over the popcorn. I think it was gross, but the girls liked it.
Sofie - you & me. I'm counting the days!
The lemonade I'm holding is Emelie's and it is the SMALL size! (totally ugly pic by the way, but who cares, we had fun?!)
Me & Emelie
We choosed the best seats with a rod of metal we could rest our feets on!
Taken 2 was totally great, it was so thrilling! I definitly liked the first one, and this one was as good as the first one. We had a great night! 


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