
This Wednesday Julia and I went to Boston to buy me a pair of wintershoes.
We passed The Boston Public Library which I talked about that I wanted to go in to for a long time, so we went in to take a look. And... not worth it. It was really old and unfresh. Not like Sävsjös ;) But now we've been there so now we know that..
Boston is a city full of these beautiful houses!
... and many of them have bikes in the yard, like this!
Halloween gets closer. Some day I will walk around and take pictures of the halloween-decorations in peoples yards. Some have so much stuff!!
What would a Boston-trip be without Starbucks?
The birds liked it too.
A typical american truck!
We bought some stuff at forever21 and then we went to H&M - heeeeaven!
When you experience so much american things every day a store that we have in sweden too suddenly feels like home again. I love it, I will go there shopping everything I need the next time, when I have more money!
Then we went to Panera's bread for some lunch.
Chicken noodle soup!
And ofcourse - I bought these new lovers of mine. $47, about 330 swedish kr. So cheap for a pair of converse, these would have been so expensive in Sweden! And they also have extra comfortable rubber sole of fabric to walk on. I guess that will be better for my knees! I really like them!!

Postat av: Frida

Vill också ha!

Svar: Då får du köpa i februari!!

2012-10-26 @ 22:54:28

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