Mixed feelings

Here I am, in front of my computer as usual...
Charlie is playing music on the next floor (his office is right above me and you hear everything) even though it's 10pm. He plays good music so I don't really mind as long as it's not too late or early which it can be sometimes. Last week he stayed up working to 11.30pm and got up at 6am in the morning. Ofcourse I couldn't sleep then - I can even hear when he moves his chair.... -.- but that doesn't happen very often, so that's good. Now he is listening to the XX - islands, which is a song I like too ;)
I just came home from dinner with my friends. We ate thai food in a restaurant close to Terese - it was good, but not the best I've tried. I shared with Julia and that was totally enough. They always give you sooo much at these places...
Today I had a good day with the kids - Arno and I played baseball, which was incredible fun! I really want to go to a real baseball-place to play without be afraid of breaking a window. They have a court in Cold Spring Park. Hope we can go there som time! We laughed a lot and I love my kids, as usual. We have so much fun together and I am so thankful when I hear stories from my friends what their kids do and don't. My kids are the best, without a doubt!
Yesterday I was kind of upset and feeling low. I have promised myself that I am allowed to watch "Nikita" when I feel homesick or unhappy with my life here so I did. I didn't feel that bad, but I figured that was pretty much the worst in weeks and who knows when I will watch Nikita otherwise?! haha. I don't feel bad very often.
I skyped with Sofie today and that always makes me happy! :) You are such a good friend, I hope you know that. I also spoke to mom which felt good too, it's so nice to just talk about regular things so the distance doesn't feel that far!
I did my workout so well today, goldstar! And I also decided that I will go to Andover with the family this weekend. It feels good to do that when my friends are in Washington having fun without me ;) I will bring my crocheting stuff, my book, the little computer and some magasines and hope that'll be enough. We'll stay there from saturday morning until monday afternoon.Yup, the kids have April-vacation so next week will be a little bit different. Hopefully I won't have to work much at all, but we'll see. So if you want to skype, next week would be awesume! I am excited. I got a mail from Ida, which also makes me happy. I realized I was smiling all the time when I read it, she is just so kind - all the way in to her heart.
Afterall, I am happy about my life here. I hope I will read this when I get older and miss my life here - I will have a reason to! xoxo


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