
 I have now been in the states for almost 8 months. I have been aware of gaining weight all the time. When I first came here I heard stories about aupairs who gained 17kg etc but now when I am here I know that could be reality, but is not very unlikely, atleast not for me. So far, 3kg, and I am proud of myself. First of all, the food culture is completely different and junk food is pretty much the casual food here. It's normal to eat frech fries several times a week and have dessert after every meal. Second of all, when you go to another country for a short time (I count one year as short compared to living her permanent) you want to try new things. Julia's theory is that we gain the most the first 6 months and then it will stay at the same weight, but I don't know. We have this year, this is the year of my life, and I want to make it a good one. YOLO! 
I have to admit that it's kind of scary to see aupairs I haven't seen in a long time - how some of them have gotten so much bigger! Julia have two german girls in her LCC group (which one I usually join, too) and I was chocked when I saw them. And today when we had the surpriseparty for Emelie I saw some girls I haven't seen in a long time, and they were different too, it was so obvious. That scares me, but I try to keep myself in good shape and eat healthy food so I can eat frozen yogurt and other stuff.
It makes me really sad that people seems to be obsessed with my weight - there are thousands of questions you can ask me about my life and you choose to comment my weight?! Really people?!
I don't know if you think it's funny when you say something like that, or if you consider yourselves slim compared to me, but you should know that my weight is my business and I would prefer to handle it my way - without your comments.
I am happy with my life here and if weight is the price for that, I am happy to pay it :)


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