Tuesday 13th of August
I can't believe I have only three more days of work - it is absolutely craaaaaz!
I feel like I'm done with this aupair-life but the time just passed so fast - which is a sign that I had a really good time! And I had - without a doubt. This has been the year of my life and I hope I will remember it as the year of happiness. I've seen so much and disovered new states and cities. I know NYC and Boston as if I lived there for a much longer time. This will always be my second home. But right now I long back to my real room back home in Sweden. I want to breath the swedish air and go biking and motorcycling. I want to walk around in "elljusspåret", hang out the time I've missed with Ville, and drink wine on the porch late nights. I want to do scrapbooks and crafty things in my room, I miss my desk. I want to decorate my room for christmas. I want to hug the people I love and I want to cry at the airport when I first see them.
But first... I want to see the Hollywood-sign, I want to walk along Walk of Fame, I want to go to San Fransisco and walk the Golden Gate Bridge, I want to go to Universial Studios. I want to go to Hawaii. I have a month (A MONTH) of fun in front of me - and I will enjoy it in the best way!! I couldn't have found a better travel-mate than Julia, we always have something to talk about and we are so much alike. I hope I won't get sick of her, and I hope we will have the best time of our lives!!!
We'll leave in 11 days. Do you understand that?! 11 days!
Here's our plan:
24: Leave Boston. Hello LA.
25. The tour starts.
26-27. San Diego.
28. Colorado River.
29-30. Grand Canyon.
31-1. Las Vegas.
2-3. Sierra Nevada, Yosemite National Park.
4-5. San Fransisco.
6. San Fransisco, Pacific Coast.
7. Los Angeles, tour ends.
8-9. LA, flight to Hawaii.
10-16. Hawaii, flight back LA.
17-18. Universial Studios.
19-20. The O.C beaches, Redondo
21. Chill-day, flight to Boston.
Postat av: Fia
Tjohooo vilka roliga inlägg o läsa!! Och det är helt sjukt att ni åker nästa helg, sååå kul!! Är 95% glad för din skull o 5% avis;) ni kommer verkligen ha the time of your life! Kom ihåg att man hellre ångrar det man gjorde än det man inte gjorde, så lev livet den här månaden!!!! Det är du värd, även om du kanske inte slitit så hårt så vet både du o jag att du har kämpat som fan för o göra det bästa av det här året:) nu är det semester time :D