Happy girl

 I am extremely happy right now. First of all:
I found the swanprincess on swefilmer.com - the movie we had when I was little but it broke so I couldn't see it, can you imagine how great it feels to be able to see it now afte such a long time?!
Second of all and mainreason:
Michael's is the love of my life - they really have EVERYTHING a crafty person might need, I am going back there tomorrow to buy some new things for my albums. Love it! I have stuff all over the floor in my room and i am very happy about my scrapbooks so far!!
Mirea just came down to my room (I love when my kids come down to spend some time with me - they really are the best when they are cozy and when they know they aren't allowed to be there for their parents), she looked at all my stuff and told me that they were looking at applications from new aupairs til next year. Oh, I've waited for that moment. I remeber being so jealous of Isabel by this time. I figured I would be new and she already knew the family and everything. That is exactly were I am right now. I know my place here and I love my family. I can't wait to tell the new aupair about everything here - I will explain things so much better than Isabel did.

I love my life, heeeeeeeell yeah!
I won't be able to sleep tonight, I am on fire!!!


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