
Well, well, well. Today it was Monday. Again.
It felt kind of boring to go bavk to normal after such a good weekend, but I had to think this is a short week after all. I work Wednesday morning too, then I'm off. It's 4th of July so everybody is celebrating and my family is going to NH. We are going to Martha's vineyard Saturday to Sunday - I am very excited. We're going to stay at a sleepingroom for 16 people, I haven't done that before..haha.
Well, today I had a bad day in the beginning but it turned out to be pretty good later on. I was worried about my bank-stuff, that someone/something has been taking money from me every month, and I also worried about me and Fanny going to NY - when I would be able to book the tickets. Lori told me to wait since she is going to D.C some day and doesn't know when. It's really frustrating to have to book everything in the last minute when it's not even your fault. I called Julia and skyped with mom and dad. It felt better after that, even though it didn't solve any of my problems. But still.
I was also kind of tired when Lori said she would go out for dinner tonight. I had plans, but of course I had to agree to work. She said Charlie would be home earlier than usually, but I didn't really believe that. It turned out to be true, so I could go meet my friends anyway. During my free time today I walked to Cold Spring Park to play tennis with Emelie. It was so much fun!! We've talked about that since forever and I was so excited, and it fulfilled my expectations! We have to do that again!!
Arno and I had a really good time together, we had swordfight and he helped me to cook hamburgers. We laughed a lot and had ticklefights. It felt good that both Lori and Charlie saw how much fun we actually had. I wasn't fake-laughing at all. Arno is the cutest kid in the world. I for sure will miss him when I am gone.
When I was off I took the T into Newton Center to go to Panera. Julia, Terese and this new girl, Matilda, had dinner, but since I had already eaten I just hung out. Later we went to Sweet Tarts. I know I shouldn't eat that stuff but it's really hard to be strong all by yourself. And it was such a hot night too. I didn't take that much either (as you can see - I know my excuses). We had a good time together and decided to go see The Heat with Sandra Bulock tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Now it's late and I will go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow! Love


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