Sunday night
I am now going to tell you a little bit about my sunday night. Since I have so many pictures to post I'm taking a break to write instead. Last night I worked because Lori and Charlie had a fancy dinner.
The kids were so cute, as soon as they got home from Andover they ran down to my room to hung out with me. Arno had a birthdayparty at Skyzone so he left pretty early. Mirea and I decided (or she did) to order pizza and watch some tv-shows, but since non of the pizza-places with home delivery were open we planned to go to Cabot's instead. We were going to pick Arno up at 6.30 so we had to leave pretty early to Cabot's. We ended up with almost no time at all, so we had to eat in 10 minutes if we wanted to be in time to pick Arno up. We left Cabot's at 6.05pm which was rather late since it took about 25-30 minutes to get to skyzone. Mirea, ofcourse, didn't realize that we were running late, but after awhile we were on our way. I had printed out directions before, but in these cases a gps would be really helpful.......... as you can understand it was a little bit hard to find. Mirea was talking and singing in the car, she also had to go to the bathroom, we were late and after awhile - also lost. I think I did a pretty good job remembering from last time I was there which was February? March? I don't know, but I wasn't even the driver that time.
After ten minutes Lori called us and said that Arno could go with his friend home. And so he did. But now we were already lost. We drove around for awhile Mirea said like a hundred times that she knew where we were, but then said "oh, no, that wasn't here".. which was pretty frustrating..
Anyway. After awhile we saw a sign that said Newton so I followed it. It was the only newton sign, Ofcourse, but later on we ended up at Beaver - the camp the kids goes to. I don't know how we got there, but it was a relieve to see something you recognized. We picked Arno up at his friends house, the parents were really understanding and easy-going, which made me feel better. Mirea and I had so much fun about this trip - being totally lost and suddenly ending up at Beaver.. After that we went to Cabot's for ice cream and then we went back home to watch Mulan.
Crazy night, bye.