Beaver's Camp


The kids now have camp. Mirea will be gone for 4 weeks and Arno has 2 weeks at Beaver's now.
This is what it looks like when I pick him up. Lots of cars in long lines, just waiting to pick up their kids. You don't have to get out of your car and you have a paper in the front window that tells the camp-leaders what kid you're picking up and what group it's in. The lines are ridiculously long and slow, not very good for the environment, but what did we expect in America??
I like my new schedule, it's more relaxed and you don't have to stress like we do when we're going to school. Drop-off is between 8.30-8.50 and pick-up between 3.55-4.10. (which gives me an extra hour free time!).
It feels so cool to drive in here and pick him up, I feel like an american mom. haha!
They have different activities at camp - like art and sports and stuff. And I know they have swimming lessons every day. Arno hates it. Speaking of- yesterday we discussed what he should do with his wet towel when he got home, I told him to hang it somewhere so it would dry, but when I got home late yesterday night it was still there which was very annoying. So I just hanged it up in the "hallway" or whatever it's called. We have like a wooden balcony or what you call it. I figured someone would say something about it, but heotherwise tha towel would start to smell. However, the next day Arno said that Charlie had told him to tell me that I couldn't hang it there. I was welcome to hang it on tha chairs or anywhere else, but not there. I was sooooo angry about that. I hanged up the freaking towel because Arno didn't listen and then they blame me....ah!
And also, another thing. I texted and asked Lori if I could borrow their loudspeakers that I know they never use. She didn't answer me, but later that night Charlie went down to my room to install the aircondition (my room was so messy by the way, but I really didn't expect him!) and I know that he saw the loudspeakers in my room (cause I already had them there, I've used them a few times before) and after that she answered - it was so obvious that they had talked about it after he went to my room. And ofcourse she said no for some reason, I didn't really listen, but I remember thinking that I never should have asked! You should never be honest!!!
That was what was bad this week. The good things are: Bruno Mars with the girls tonight!! I am kind of excited, even though our seats aren't very good. We are practicly behind the stage, but whatever!! The next good thing is that the family will leave on wednesday to go to andover next week. Beacuse of forth of July. We were talking about going to Martha's vineyard so I asked Lori when they were leaving. It feels great to be off 3 more days and have a long weekend. Lori said she could pick Arno up from camp if I only dropped him off in the morning. So today we booked Martha's. We will celebrate 4th of July in Boston, but we'll leave after that. That will be so much fun!! Terese has 1,5 week off, so I hope we can hang out and do some fun stuff next week!


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