Back in Boston

When we got back to Boston we were hiding from our families for awhile, so we met Terese and Madde at Panera and sat there for hours. We talked about the trip, showed some pictures and talked about the things we had missed here.

The next night we spent at Cheesecake Factory for a goodbye-dinner. We gave each other presents - we got necklesses with "love" written on them and american candy to bring home to sweden. We gave them things we made - Madde got a makeupbag and Terese a fabric bag that we had drawn on and made to our own thing.

The next day we went to Boston for the last time. Ofcourse we enjoyed one last froyo too.

Had a good time and felt both excited to go home soon, and sad to leave this life behind.
That night I had goodbye-dinner with the family and Pauline. We went to a french restaurant in South Boston. I had a some steak I think and it was really good. Some chocolate dessert. Lori was very curious about our trip and it felt good to tell them all about it. We gave each other presents - I gave them the plate with crocheted cookies and cakes, and the kids got one crocheted animal each (lion and aligator) and I also gave them an album with pictures of our time togehter. They gave me a candle with a written proverb on it. It said "friends are like stars, you don't have to see them to know they are there". And a got a handmade metal sign. It said: "Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life, with love always, Charlie, Lori, Mirea and Arno. Waban 2012-2013". That was the best gift ever! It was a great, but sad dinner.

The next day was D-day. Julia stayed at our house that night, because it was Emelie's birthday and she didn't want to be in the way.

Some pictures with Arno and Pauline.

The cute little kid, he didn't want to let go of me!
The last night Mirea went to dance and said goodbye earlier during the day. Lori and Charlie came home late and we sat on the couch talking for awhile before I had to leave. Terese drove us to the aiprort.

It was sad to say goodbye and it was something you just wanted to get over with. Arno was really sad, but Lori and Charlie wished me good luck in life and told me that I could come visit any time and was always welcome. It felt great to hear!
The next thing that happened when we came to the airport was that we drove to the wrong gate. We were stressed out but finally made it, with the bus, to the right one. The lines were long and we were afraid we would miss the plane. When we came to security they stopped Julia and checked through her bags for knives but she had a nailcutter so we could pass. We had a hamburger even though non of us were hungry, but we had some time to eat before the plane took off. After awhile they said our plane was delayed so we could breath out.
Finally, after a wierd day, we were on the plane to Frankfurt.
In Frankfurt we found our gate, but this plane was delayed too. We had to wait 5 or 7 hours, I'm not really sure. But it felt like a loooooooong time, especially after our waits these past weeks of flight-waiting-time. We tried to sleep on some benches and after a long time they told us to get on a bus (that took us to another part of the big airport) and we were finally on our way back to Sweden! We were so excited!!